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A member registered Oct 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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I didn't understand anything. We don't have a Hp strip and I didn't understand if we could die. On one of the levels, I was attacked by an army of enemies and I had nothing to do. All levels can be completed standing still and spamming the space bar. The last level in the temple is not passable at all (I just didn't have any enemies). A big plus I can highlight the graphics, it's gorgeous! I hope you fix all the bugs!

It's interesting, but I would like to do a greater variety of quests, like in among as.

It's a very interesting idea to combine Tower Defense and Clicker. The graphics are a masterpiece, this hand-drawn style is very cool!

I liked it! True, my finger got tired while I was playing this, but I still liked it. The only downside is that clicks are counted every other time, and so everything is cool!

P.S. I have no idea why my applications are marked as a virus (even on VirusTotal it is marked as a virus). I assure you, it is safe, and even fits into the ENT of the game :D

Спасибо за отзыв! Я хотел добавить неуязвимости после удара, но почему-то не стал делать это :). То, что враги проходят сквозь стены, это не баг. Я проверял, что произойдет, если они не пройдут через квадратные стены, и уровни станут очень простыми.

It's really fun! Personally, I put all the products that I saw, and I didn't care about the -10000 bill. But I didn't see the topic, what is it?

How play?

I really liked the idea, but it's very boring to wander around in search of resources, besides there are no minimaps for orientation. But even so, it's very cool!

Так себе, если честно, геймплей тот же, лабиринт не меняется, просто свечи в разных местах. Желаю вам успехов в мире видеоигр!

What... Anyway, a fun arcade game for 15 minutes

I can say that it's just a very good arcade game, I liked it, but I didn't see another world.

Это классная головоломка, местами достаточно сложная, но веселая, а текстура нашего персонажа меня рассмешила!

Это круто, но после того, как вы нашли человека, сложно среагировать и нажать на него, но это неплохая аркада!

Скажу, что это плохо, управление неудобное, иногда хитбоксы странно расположены.

Это хорошая игра, простая для меня, но все же хорошо сделанная!