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Studio Echydna

A member registered Aug 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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If you click on Echydna, it's the very WIP Automation screen. it's not yet explained because it's not fully implemented yet.

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it was a reputation bug that got fixed in 1.3, bear with it for a little while, sorry.

You have key shortcuts for occupations, just customize them in the settings but they seems to be currently broken in the HTML5.
I agree on the merchant scenes, I have an idea on how to do it better.
I agree on the right click inconsistency.

If your browser clear your cache/cookie, it's a must to export your saves before quitting. You can import and export savefile at any moment.

Not for now. The gameplay needs too much adaptation.

This is kinda buried in the help section.

we manage to find and fix the issue! it will be fixed in 1.3 and onwards so you have to be a little patient if you stick to the free version

This is good data for the reputation bug, I will share it to our dev so they can investigate. Thx for the report.

We don't have any planned content related to pregnancy for the "gamemode/sim" aspect, no.  It's something we might consider for the story mode.

It's not possible no. They will all stack automatically thought.

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The World 5 is gonna be a water-race heavy one with a main mermaid side character :)

We will look into it.

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Refuse sex only refer to the intercourse option (which is called "Sex" in the skills), they are fine with either foreplay or anal. But they won't get any satisfaction from the Sex skill points.


Probably not.

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Hates Dragonkin had incorrect text, yes.
They were also 2 mistake in the hot clothes sprites.

I've just corrected that and it will eventually be rolled out in the free version.

Thanks for your report.

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Stars need minimum day to be met yes, it's a soft time limit of days.  It shouldn't be a problem to rank up early. I will check the issue with the end level check.

If you refreshed the page depending on your browser setting yeah. You can export the save and reimport them if you wanna stay on the html version. That being said, I advise using the exe for long time use.

Only for Supporters. We don't have a community server (at least not yet).

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You can build upon directly in this world, just build above. I noticed many players were not getting the hints, it's more clearer in the new versions.

My bad, I uploaded the html version twice. The exe should be running fine now.

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It will also struggle with any right click, as we said, the game is not thought for mobile, not because it cannot be runned on it

If there enough demand for it it can surely become a feature. It's not that hard to make but it is time consuming to make in the first place and then to maintain.

Satisfy your customers by catering to their needs, don't make them upset by a "bad" girl, and try to avoid not serving them. You can see at the end of a day how your reputation changed.

That's why I spoke of "easy port". I'm not saying it can't be done, I'm just saying we won't be doing it for the time being.

The html5 version kinda work for android. But the gameplay requires left and right clicks so we can't just do a easy port unfortunately.

Yes, this discord is reserved for subscribers. We look forward to seeing you there soon!

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Load your save online, then go saving again, you would have an option to Download it, you can also press the download button of a save in the save (not load) screen, the file should start to DL immediately. Then place your save (a json file) in the folder AppData\LocalLow\Studio Echydna\Isekai Parlor Simulator. At this point the save should be loadable in the exe version.


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Summer clothes have one edge being that the neutral temperature would be supported as well as a +1 hot one (aside for the purely visual thing). Stripping only set the new standard 1 degree higher: a stripped girl in a normal Temperature will be cold but a girl with hot clothes will not. Indeed it's still still less powerful than the winter clothes hence the cheaper cost.

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Main Menu > Options > Gallery Button (Bottom)
I agree it's not the best place for it, but it will have to wait a major redesign of the main menu.

It means they have a hot temperatures (usually cause you're in Summer). You can use furnitures to cool them.

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Futa was the other option we presented to Supporters before developing the Yuri Update. It probably will appear in another new poll someday. If we implement futa, it's quite possible that futa-on-male will be implemented as well, with probably an opt-out option as we know that some of the players really don't like that tag.

"Can you play as that lamia on the front?" Well arguably your are playing as both the isekaid' human and Echydna (the lamia) as co-manager of the parlor. The story mode also follows the 2, with Echydna having a certain predominance among the other female characters. I hope I've answered your question.

We're not planning to work on compatibility with third-party applications. If it works, great, but we're not committed to it.


You can move a human customer into a mermaid's pool room, just make sure it's not a relax room.

Virtually 100% in story mode (besides some solo female scene or some potential yuri action) and 0% in the "gameplay" (The MC has no sexual interactions with his employees only with named charatcers in the story mode)

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Thanks for pointing out the error, I've corrected it. (in current Supporter version, it will make time to eventually arrive in the free version)
There's more very soon! The massive World 2 update is very near for Supporters.

Yes the room bug was eventually fixed, not sure in which version.