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A member registered Nov 01, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks, Dan!

5/5, Would give a duck some skulls again.

5/5, would need a new van again.

5/5, would roll around through kitchens and rivers again.

5/5, would risk hitting the lava to grab the burgers again.

5/5, would get chomped again.

5/5, would fly away on a pineapple again.

Thank you!

Oh, that's awesome!  Thanks for a great explanation.

Wow!  I'm still new to Bitsy--care to share how you have animation with more than 2 frames?  Are you using keys or something?  I only understand the two-frame basic animation scheme.

5/5, would lose again. 

Love it!  Thanks :)

Good thoughts and explanations.  Thanks for going into it and helping us understand your thinking!

I say send more doggo memes and less nasty pictures.

Thanks for the thoughtful words, Eevee.  I like short games, especially ones that make you think or laugh--that was my goal here.

Hey Mark!  Just played Earl Grey.  Here are my thoughts

  • 5/5, would get lost in a grey pixel art forest again!
  • The art is great.  Stellar.
  • The shades of grey really accentuate the animal blood's bright red.  Good thought!
  • The "push C for cabin direction" is a total game-changer.  There is no need for a mini-map or a menu map!  What an elegant solution to a classic problem.
  • The music/ambient sound seemed significantly softer than everything else on my PC.
  • Could've used more animals, since you need the meat for so much: energy, upgrading the gun level, and clearing the debris. 
  • I don't know how upgrading the gun helped me, but by god I did it.  Do the deer die in 2 shots on level 2 instead of 4 shots on level 1?
  • A save feature would've been nice.  I played quite a while and felt like I'd "invested" some time in, but I got bored looking for meat that I couldn't find so I quit for the night.  Lack of a save makes me less likely to go back and play again.
  • I would've liked the ability to walk faster--maybe when your energy is full?  If that's already happening, I couldn't tell.  I felt a little slow.
  • I'm really impressed that you did ALL of this as a one-man team.  Way to work and congrats on releasing a kick-butt game!

Thanks, Underdog!  I'm glad you found it humorous. :)

I love playing short games, so I try to make all of mine rather quick.

Hey thanks a lot!  I really appreciate that.  What's your new game about?  Is it short like The White Room?

5/5, would drink my coffee until I get way too old again.

Great game!  This is really pushing the limits of story-telling with basically one map.  Glad to meet another RPG-maker on here!  Keep it up :)

Oh, I bet you're right.  My mistake.  I thought it auto-installed, but I see it now.

5/5, would get stuck in a stellar, melancholy mix-tape again.

This is fantastic.  I really love it--very A Night In The Woods.  The original art is stunning and the soundtrack is nice.  Your use of color is moving. 

One minor fix: when it runs in a window (not full-screen), several of your text is getting cut off on the right side.  You just have to hit enter in the middle of the sentence to fix it. 

5/5, would watch the rockets fly again.  Way to push the engine.

5/5, would die frozen again.

5/5, would light up the ghosts again.  


Or am i the ghost???

5/5, would break my eyes again failing to find the Picasso Pill.

5/5, would get my mind blown again upon discovering I shouldn't have listened to the NPCs.  Got a few of the ending.  Found the dev.  Found a lot of white guys.

Nice!  5/5, would enter the 36th chamber and thrash again!

5/5, would get lost and depressed in my Chucks again.

5/5, love the sound design, would get shot with an arrow again.  139 meters.

5/5, would turn the lights on again.

Love it!