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A member registered Apr 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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I just uploaded the short demo. It should be accessible soon.

Hey everyone! I have spent a few months working on a game kit for GMS2 and just released it. I made the kit because I was tired of trying to follow several tutorial series on Youtube and then trying to mash all the code together and ending up with a bunch of broken code and then giving up. I imagine there are others who feel the same way so I tried my best to come up with a starter kit for people who want to make a RPG style game in game maker but don't want to spend hours and hours following tutorials and copying the code and all of that. 

Assets used in the Kit were free to use and are for demo purposes to show off this kit. Credits are listed in the description so you can check out the creators of the assets

heres the etsy link if anyone wants to check it out

thank you! I posted it on etsy if anyone is interested.

Thanks! I plan on making a slightly different version of it that will have a working trigger that activates lights when it is pulled.

Hey everyone, I recently made my own version of the Paralyzer gun from the Metroid series games. The original design is cool and all but I was never a fan of the colors so I changed them to give reference to Samus' power armor. Enjoy

Yeah I can see trying to add eyebrows or do something with the eyes to give more expression. I think the 360 spin would be fun to animate too. When I get some free time I need to mess around and do more animations for sure. 

Hey Thanks for liking my work! Sorry for the delayed response. I am thinking of adding more animations to this pack too. Any suggestions on what you would like to see the chicken do?

I look forward to seeing them for sure

This is really impressive, it captures the art style. You gotta turn this into something big and do a kickstarter, you will pull in the $$$$$$$$ for sure

Hey there, yeah I had to take the video down because I made changes to my assets but then didnt update the video yet. sorry

Hey! Thanks for the feedback, its nice to see someone being honest. I was originally going to do a $3 price tag but decided on $5 cause the Unity store wont let you go lower so I thought to keep the price consistent on all selling platforms. One thing I did notice for this asset pack is the analytics show next to zero views per day, there might be like 3 views per day but no more. My thoughts were maybe people here are more into 2D assets vs 3D. I did launch my assets with a sale price but that didn't work either. I think I might try like a $1 sale or something just to see what happens and then adjust from there and try more realistic assets like you mentioned too. Thanks again

Hey everyone, I released an asset pack recently and have made ZERO sales from it and I wanted to get some feedback on why my asset pack might suck and what could be done to make it more appealing.  

Any thoughts and opinions would be a huge help. Thanks

its all good, just thought it might help you out

Checkout this link on animation walk cycles, it will help improve your characters walk 

Hey everyone, I just released my first 3D asset pack 

I plan on updating it on a regular basis with new assets and animations in the near future. I also plan on adding some characters too. 

Right now there is just a blender file and it can be imported right into GODOT which is handy. I still need to test out the assets in Unity and Unreal. There is a sample bundle that is free for anyone to download so if you do use Unity or Unreal and want to test it out please let me know what works and what doesn't work. Any and all feedback will help improve the assets over time.

If there are any suggestions on what you would want to see in a 3D asset pack please let me know so I can get to work on making some new assets.

Thanks for reading ! 

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looks like he went through and took a bunch of his live streams down, and of course it had to be the one where he made a rag doll. Sorry dude

awesome! I will be posting it hopefully next week some time if all goes well

Thomas brush showed how to do rag dolls in unity during one of his live streams for his game FATHER. It was like a year ago or so so you will need to comb through the streams

lol Thank you! would you care to see  a stylized 3D version of it? 

Cool! My asset pack will be apart of it at 50% off. 

Hey everyone, I am a traditional 2d artist/animator and wanted to share my drawings here. I made a short animation a few years ago with a Ren and Stimpy character named "George Liquor" that people seemed to like n YouTube and I thought I would start doing some new Ren and Stimpy drawings. Might do an animation one day soon.

Here's the George animation 

Thanks for watching. 

Hey everyone, I made the android version of my game today but I have no idea if it actually works since I have no way of testing it. Anyway, heres the link to the file if anyone wants to give it a try

My game is now available for Iphone and Ipad.        I am still working on the android version but Game maker studio is difficult to work with when building for mobile. 

Thank you! I will be posting updated sprites here and there. 

Hey everyone! I have some good news. The mobile version of  Chicken Blaster has just been accepted to the APP STORE. I need to manually release it so people can download it, but I am going to wait because I want to submit it to a few publishers to see if they want to pick the game up first. If I dont get any interest then I will release it myself. And yes, the game will still be free and free of ads as well. 

Hey, thanks for the suggestions! I will take them into account for when I update my asset pack for sure. 

Hi everyone, I just released my first pixel art asset pack. It is free to download.

The general idea behind this asset pack is that I love pixel but I don't like using tile sets because it feels very robotic and constricting. I also love doing detailed art work and animations so I thought of the combining all the aspects I like into one.  The downside is that the pixel art gets kind of big but the upside is the level of detail that can be added to the artwork. AND if you get into animating at this size, you can get smoother animations with some crazy detail in there. 

Anyway, let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions on large scale pixel art. Thanks for your time! 

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Hey everyone, I am not sure if this is the right thread but I just released a free asset pack for anyone interested in large scale pixel art. It is basically for anyone who is tired of being constrained to tile sets and having their pixel art look like everything else out there.  I love pixel art but I also love detail too. I work as a 2D hand-drawn animator so I love  adding the details to pixel art.  The house/cottage below is about 630 pixels by 550pixels (something like that). 

Anyway, let me know your thoughts and suggestions. 

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone ho downloaded my game so far and to anyone in the future who downloads it as well. My game is currently under review for the APP store and once it gets approved I will release it on IOS soon after. 

LOL, thats awesome! Thank you so much for making and sharing the gameplay video. I think this will help a lot.

Thank you!

My game just went live if anyone is interested in trying it out! 

My first game just launched

my game just went live everyone! 

Hey! Thanks for wanting to check my game out, I hope you enjoy it. My main goal is to make people laugh at least a little while playing it.

So, to answer your question. I have only used 2 programs for pixel art. Photoshop elements( its cheap and does everything I need) and 2d animation software called TvPaint. I mainly used TvPaint to do all the artwork in my game, mainly because I had the software already and have been using it for the past 6 years to 2d hand drawn animation for my freelance work. I like it more than photoshop because I can do things faster in it. When it comes to text and design type stuff I switch to Photoshop because its easier doing that sort of thing. I haven't used it yet, but I want to try aesprite, mainly because it is built for pixel art but more so because it does circles and ellipses very well at any size, plus its like $20 so you cant go wrong. 

For hardware, I use a windows PC i built like 8 years ago, the graphics card isn't awesome but it has 64gb of ram because TvPaint works best with a lot of ram)  and a wacom cintiq 22hd (I think that's the model type).

In the end it doesn't come down to the best software/hardware, it comes down to doing the absolute best job you can with what you have.

cool! Thank you. I hope it doesn't disappoint.

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Hey everyone! My first game comes out tomorrow Monday June 20th at 12pm EST.

Please note that the above link will work tomorrow at 12pm EST when the game goes live.

Ready. Aim. Fire!!

Shoot the coins to collect points and special awards while trying to not shoot the Blue and Red balloons. The coins and balloons spawn faster and faster the longer you play, making the game harder as you go. There are 10 different rooms to play in and are chosen  at random when you start the game. If you hate the room or the music, just restart  the game and you will be in a new room with a new look and new tunes to stomp your foot too, or slap your knee for some good ole Ham-bonin' times. 

This game will be available for Windows and MacOS and in a few weeks it will be available for IOS and Android in the near future. 

Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy the game if you play it. 

My FREE-TO-PLAY game comes out tomorrow, 12pm EST for Windows and MacOS. In a few weeks it will be available for iPhone, iPad and Android devices.