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A member registered Aug 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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Akello Chapter 2! :)

Thanks for playing, I can't wait to bring you more!

augh thank you SO much!!  I love Mori he's just such a nasty little dumpster man but I know he could fix me.  I'm so excited you're here for his full story arc things are gonna get So Nasty. <3

Yes, provided there's still interest!  I don't know exactly when but I would really love to do more merch or maybe get a storefront going at some point in the future!

Thank so much! >:3c

Thank you! :D

Oh my god wow!  I had to look up Duke Laurence but dang they could be besties and go shopping together!

Thank you so much for playing!  :3

lol I've had some people express interest in the romance aspect of the game but less interested in the actual sex part and it was easy to provide the option to decline that while still maintaining a positive relationship with the character.  :3

Thank you so much for playing! :D

There's three endings in each one- a "get with the monster form" one, a "get with the human form" one, and a "declined hooking up" one.

Thank you so so much for playing!  Amir's great at being flexible during sexy times so you can rest assured that there will be opportunities to be more dominating with him in future chapters!

Yeah discord can be hard to manage with like archived info and stuff, but I'm usually pretty quick to respond if you hit me up here so definitely don't be shy!

Thank you very, very much for your support despite Germany being difficult, I super appreciate it! :3

The game will eventually be here too, I just need a little time to test the pc + mobile versions (cause their builds are slightly different than Steam's) so hang tight!  I'll make an update with more info soon.

Thanks for the support <3!!

I'm sorry to hear about content/purchase sanctions D:

TCM will be free on steam with the possibility of paid content sometime in the future, but I don't have details on that right now.  However, thank you TRULY for your support, I deeply appreciate it.

THank you so much for reaching out, I forgot to publish a devlog explaining:  basically I super underestimated the time it would take to be approved in Steam review and rather than try to publish at the last minute, I've pushed the release date back to June 17.  I am waiting on steam to make the change to the date.  Sorry about the confusion and thank you for commenting!

Thank you so much!  The official intro is coming soon to Steam and more Amir chapters are currently in development! <3

lol that doesn't say much to me either to be honest, SOMETIMES renpy can be a little janky (notoriously so on mobile) but I do have some Investigative Followup Questions:

  1.  Is this on mobile?
  2.  Do you remember exactly what action you took that caused the crash?

I'll take a peek at the code and see if I can replicate it.

Okay, I made a choice guide here to explain how the different endings work and how to get them. (°∀°d)

Right now there's no real "routes" or wildly divergent story paths.  All three chapters so far are essentially character concepts to see how people like the love interests and the setting.  Each character has a 2 sex scenes and a "Declined Sex" scene.  If you've seen those then congrats!  You've got all the endings so far!

The full game is currently in development and I hope to be able to branch out more with each character's individual stories as each character's route takes shape.

So Mori being a bakeneko was actually a deliberate choice.  In TCM, there's not really any rules to what you call yourself as a demon so while Mori's technically a kaibyou (a more generic category of demonic cat from Japanese folklore that includes both bakeneko and nekomata) he just calls himself a bakeneko cause he knows that monster type pretty well.  He could just as easily call himself a werecat.  The same applies to Amir, who calls himself a succubus even though he's male.  As I develop the full game, I'm hoping to pull more moments into the story where the character's choice of how they refer to themselves brings more chances to learn about how they think. :)


I had some trouble replicating the issue, but having the reports definitely helped me narrow down where the problem could be.  Long story short, there are build differences between the web, mobile, and download versions of the game and some code that was meant for the download version didn't get deleted when I compiled the mobile version.   When I finally managed to crash the main menu by backing out mid game, I was able to pinpoint exactly what the issue was, deleted the conflicting code, and recompile a new build!  So in all, it wasn't tremendously complicated (thank god) but it was definitely a good catch on your part so thank you again for your eagle eye and supporting documentation!  Also, you're correct!  Ren'py uses Python structure to work which is great for me as I'm actually a novice programmer myself lol!

The monster endings are loosely based on leaning into choices that encourage the Love Interest to be more comfortable with their strengths, including their new monster forms.  For instance, if you try to "run distraction" instead of getting between Marcel and the other demon at the at the climax, that adds a point towards getting the Monster ending because you made a choice that prioritized keeping Marcel from making an impulsive decision without rashly putting yourself between them.  Basically, you're using your intellect, and that makes Akello more comfortable enough to let his monster form hang out so to speak!  

Hey there, thanks for the error report!  I spent some time updating the apk this morning so if you uninstall & download the apk again, it ought to work for you now.  Thanks for reaching out!

Thanks for playing! Each concept chapter can end with a different sex scene: getting with the RO in their monster form, their human form, or simply declining to have sex altogether.

lol! Thank you so much for playing! Obviously I love all three of them dearly but Amir's story is especially fun to write.  Also, glad you took note of the BGMs, future updates are getting some custom tracks but some of the themes that have already been established will be coming back, too!  

Amir has my favorite mix of terrifying and unreasonably beautiful lol

Thank you so much for sharing!  I'm so happy you enjoyed playing and SO happy you enjoyed Akello, he's such a gentle giant and I'm always on the lookout for characters like that!

Thank you so much! We really do stan a suave king up in here!

Yes! So in these concept chapters, the human/monster endings are based on what choices you make in game and they'll end up with you either having spicy times with them as a human or they'll transform and you can explore spicy times with them in their monster form.  No spoilers but the cg in Amir's concept IS human so hopefully that's more to your taste!  And of course as the full game releases, you can expect to see multiple cgs for each character in a variety of situations, with both their human and monster forms represented.  Thank you so much for playing!

Lesson learned: next time i do a kickstarter i need to budget for the fact i'm going to desperately want my own merch orz 

I feel your pain.  I must put the nasty cat man in my bed.

Thank you so much for playing!  Akello's been picking up a fair number of fans lately and I'm so happy to hear it!  There's something about a chill, mature guy like him that makes me totally weak in the knees.  Can't wait to bring you more!

THANK  YOU!  The support means so much and goes so far to keep the game moving through development on schedule!  I'm super excited for what's coming down the line and can't wait to share more of Akello with you!

He is such a dreamboat honestly i kinda kick my feet just writing him

Thank you so much!  I'm excited to bring more content to yall as soon as I can!

Than you SO so much for coming back to check out the updates and for the KS support!!  I'm so happy you enjoyed Akello and Amir's introductory chapters and I'm really excited to develop them and Mori further in their own routes for the complete developmental arcs and take the MC along for the ride.  Mori's a hard act to follow to be honest, there's just something irresistibly charming about a stinky bastard man who relishes in being skeevy but I'm delighted that Amir and Akello have found their own charm.  Thanks for sticking around and I can't wait to show you what's coming down the line for TCM!

I love him so much, I had a lot of fun writing a very gentle/caring character after Mori being a chaotic goblin and Amir being incredibly spiky and dramatic lol!

He is SO smug about that.  He's a special little guy who makes >:3c face a lot.

WOW thank you so much for playing and for sharing your thoughts!!  Amir's a really fun character to write because he's got a lot of layers and one of the things I've always liked about him is that casual sex isn't hard to get with him usually but making a deeper emotional connection takes patience on the MC's part.  Like he much  more guarded about his emotions and his past and I'm super happy that clicked with you!  Resolving Amir's vendetta and the situation with Matias will be part of his larger, more in-depth character route that's in development right now!

Thank you so much for playing!

tl,dr, succubus comes from latin to "lie under" and incubus comes from to "lie in" and is from the same root word as incubate and mostly I just didn't like the incubus context on him, esp given his kinda fluid gender presentation.   I like the vibes of succubus better but if you want a more detailed explanation here's a public patreon post where I wrote about why I went that way :)