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Studio Spacefarer

A member registered Oct 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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I'm so glad you enjoyed! Thanks for playing!! 

aw, so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for commenting! 

(1 edit)

Thanks again for this awesome plugin! So I've got it to work really nicely with my game, except for one small issue: on Windows 11 "borderless windowed" mode (takes up the full screen without actually being set to fullscreen settings).  Here's an example of the top left corner of the window. I tested without using gameframe and this did not occur. I set it to not draw the frame in this case to mimic the borderless fullscreen feel. Any ideas on how to counter the corners and invisible border?

(4 edits)

Thanks so much for creating this! It's something I've been bashing my head against for a long time and eventually gave up on, so I'm very glad someone else figured it out. :)

I'm hitting an error when starting the game. obj_window_frame_manager is visible and persistent, and created in rm_init by an initializer object, same as all my other manager objects. rm_init jumps to the main game room after a few frames.

I imported all from the yymps file, which I downloaded 9 Dec 2022. obj_window_frame_manager simply calls gameframe_init() on Create, gameframe_update() on Step, and gameframe_draw() on Draw GUI.

I'm on IDE v2022.11.0.54 and runtime v2022.11.0.73.

___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Draw Event for object obj_window_frame_manager: Trying to draw non-existing sprite.  at gml_Script_gameframe_caption_draw_border_default (line 803) -        draw_sprite_stretched_ext(gameframe_spr_border, (window_has_focus() ? 1 : 0), __x, __y, __width, __height, gameframe_blend, gameframe_alpha); ############################################################################################ gml_Script_gameframe_caption_draw_border_default (line 803) gml_Script_gameframe_draw (line 1055) -        if (!gameframe_isMaximized_hx) gameframe_caption_draw_border(0, 0, _gw, _gh); gml_Object_obj_window_frame_manager_Draw_64 (line 4) -        gameframe_draw();

I debugged through gameframe.gml and looks like all the sprite globalvars are being set to -1, including gameframe_spr_border.

Thanks again and best of luck on everything. 

Україна в моєму серці

Yes and yes. It will be a collection of all the episodes with a "mini-overworld" where all the items will be usable as you unlock them. The earlier episodes will receive a remake as I'm improving the engine (and in the case of Episode III am changing how perspective and cliffs work).

It will be available here on Itch as well!

We're probably a good while out from the release though. If all goes as plans, at least, the later episodes shouldn't take so long to develop as III did.



Adorable and you can play fetch. What's not to like??

I'd love to submit ProtoDungeon: Episode I as a supporter of this bundle. It's a free game, which is why I initially didn't submit, but I see there will be a supporter bundle. 

Amazing, amazing work by y'all. Really appreciate you doing this. 


Hey, I remember you! It's on the way! Progress is a bit slow lately with everything going on, but I'm wrapping up work on the level design. Really pleased with how it's shaping up. It'll probably be a few months out at least though 

I really appreciate you checking in. It's encouraging to me. 

Thanks so much! That means a lot

That extra key might be for a certain secret room... :)

You aren't stuck, though I could see how the stone would mislead you that way. I may consider putting that somewhere else. 

There is another ability you have now with the level 3 ring, not a third block. The hint is when you pick up the ring: "the void cannot consume them" (don't remember the exact wording!) 

(1 edit)

I don't think so! Keep in mind you're in a secret challenge puzzle room :)

It took a bit of finagling, but I figured it out. Had to do window_frame_set_rect(middleX,middleY,w,h), then window_frame_set_region(0,0,w,h), then window_set_size(w,h), then window_set_position(0,0). 

As far as the taskbar overlap, it only shows up on game load, not when player was setting the resolution in game. I just set an alarm on my window manager object with a 20 frame delay that triggers my resolution change script. That puts it back over the taskbar.

Thanks again! Nice to have borderless "fullscreen" windowed be the default but be able to see the frame when it's at lower resolutions. :)

Oh... oh dear. I'll investigate lol

Hey, love that you made this!

I'm struggling getting window resizing working together with borderless toggling. I can get one or the other working, but I'm not sure how to resize the frame after the window itself has been resized. window_frame_set_rect and window_frame_set_region don't seem to do it, at least not in the order I'm doing it

Also, when "borderless windowed" matches the full size of the screen (fake fullscreen), the taskbar sometimes covers the game. Is there any way around this too?

Just wanted to let you know a patch has been released that should prevent you getting stuck like this again. :)

Thank you!! I had intended that as a kind of secret--different from all the other puzzles, and so making it elaborate and difficult to find--but I think I'll at least put a visual indicator there based on your and others' comments. :)

Glad you were able to get out! I will be fixing this bug in an upcoming patch (the current block should be destroyed if you place any new block on a wall or on the exiting block, etc.). 

Thanks so much for the comments! I've definitely taken a lot of feedback into account and can't wait to put it into practice. 

I will say you likely got less confused than others because the current version cleaned up most of those issues. :) 

The pits do have a small visual difference, but I agree, it's not explained or taught. I have plans to update their appearance as well as the manner in which they're introduced. 

Thanks again! 

Thanks so much for the detailed review! I do plan to have more "teaching moments" in the next dungeon. My issue this time was trying to pack it all into one room--the mirror, the pot, the blocks, the buttons, gates, etc. I'll spread 'em out more next time. :)

And yeah, I've gotten some great feedback on the lv2 spell. lv1 was originally planned to be a "short range" swap and lvl2 "long range," and a lot of the puzzles were built around that. I changed it very late in the game because it didn't feel good, and irrationally thought that the puzzles would be fine. But watching playtesters and gathering feedback, turns out not so much, lol. The dining room in particular got super broken by the  lv2 spell. I'm actually working right now on the next major patch that will shuffle some things around and force some linearity--needing to complete the dining room puzzle to access the room with the lv2 spell in particular.

Next demo dungeon will have saving if I get the chance to implement it! It just didn't make minimum viable product this time, unfortunately. Trying to keep things agile. :)

Anyway, I appreciate the comments. I'm pretty pumped gathering this feedback and starting my big ol' post-release analysis document. I learned a lot about dungeon design from this (which was the point) and am super excited to get started on Episode II.

Thanks so much!! It's funny the amount of different responses I've gotten on puzzle difficulty (way too easy, way too hard, just right, etc.). I have some ideas for next time though which I'm really excited to try out. :)

Appreciate the comment. Makes my day to hear people are enjoying my little test dungeon.

This is some really excellent feedback, and I appreciate your video too (I set YouTube on auto-translate to English captions, which was an adventure lol). I'm working on my post-release analysis of all the feedback, and I'm very excited to refine my approach to puzzle design for Episode II. Danke!!

So glad you enjoyed it! There's a handful more of these demos to come, and then The Waking Cloak!! 😊