i'm really glad to know this resonated with you. it helps me feel less alone too. thank you!!!
fen slattery
A member registered Dec 23, 2016 · View creator page →
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a game for lovers in the last minutes of humanity.
Interactive Fiction
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A game for one player that generates a cute date.
Role Playing
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A zine for detailing your roleplaying game character, using esoteric and strange questions.
A Twine game about putting on T gel every morning
Interactive Fiction
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An asynchronous game to be played in the quiet room of a convention or conference.
An 8-page zine of a few choice examples of hurtful shit people say to trans people
One simple way to make your events more inclusive for transgender and nonbinary people.
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Not a Game Jam Game Jam 2020 community · Created a new topic this is my third submission to this game jam
Hi there! I'm going to make the assumption you're bringing this up in good faith. If you take a read through the game, you'll notice that it's about how being LGBTQ+ has a history of being criminalized, and is criminal in many places still today. It's about loving your queer love, despite it being a crime. This game suggests "be gay do crimes" precisely because being gay is a crime itself. It's a great inclusion in this bundle, one could argue, because it points out that not all laws are just, and not all "crimes" should be considered crimes. I hope that helps you understand a bit better, have a nice day!
hiking in the mountains with my wife comments · Posted in hiking in the mountains with my wife comments