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A member registered Apr 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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There is now a Mac release :)

Oops... Yeah I think something is wrong with the colliders. I had that bug when I tested in WebGL, thought the downloadable version did not have that bug. I will look into it, thanks for you feedback :) 

BTW Stusse games... I don't know if you are eligible for this jam. The rules say if you have participated in more than 2 jams or have a bit more experience you should not join. You have 7 games released on and seem to have more experience then us others.

I don't really mind, but I noticed that when checking out your profile.

I agree that everyone should try to do their part and play and give feedback on games to help each other out. It would be a lot nicer for us that do...

I do think you are a bit aggressive though saying they have shitty attitude and should be ashamed.

I understand that some people aren't doing this for the community part of it, I get that some people just want to practise their skills and then forget to stay involved.

I like the way you used all the assets together, nothing feels out of place. 

Overall really well done :) it looks and sounds nice, although not original assets, I think you used them tastefully!

The mouse sensitivity is very high for me though, so I found it hard to navigate. Maybe add a setting for it?

Also please check out & rate my game :)

Thank you :) I was actually going to add a damage upgrade... But found a bug with the ammo upgrade that I had to fix before the deadline, so ran out of time.

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I thought I could, I tried to. It says "Uploads are temporarily disabled because voting for LM0B Beginners Game Jam #22 is in progress" when I try to upload it :( it will be available after the voting is done... I have built a Mac version

This game is MacOS only and I only have a PC :( could you add a Windows version? if so I can try it out.

Very nice wall jumping and dashing mechanics :) And a unique idea where doors open after enemies are killed. I like it! I just wish there were more levels and sound, but guessing time ran out. Anyway well done!

It feels really good :) I think the game is too easy though. I find myself trying to get hit just so I could  see what game over looks l ike. Other than that, it looks and sounds and feels very nice. Good job!

I recognize this game from Brackeys  tutorial series ;)
That's fine though, you put your own twist on it. And good job finishing a game!

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I like the volume knob, very clever ;) also I like how all different items have a weight to them, very nice!

WebGL version did not work for me though :( I had to download the exe

Got stuck on "Bet & Win" but I dig the concept of a mystical puzzle game. I kinda wish I would have made a game more like this :D

Graphics are very beautiful too :)

I found the mouse sensitivity to be way too high for me though, maybe the reason Oliver thought it was just red lights flashing... Guessing he spun around crazy fast.

I liked it! feels polished.

If there was a way to see your lowest time, I would try to speedrun this.
The timer just reset when I won :/ but I got it in about 50 seconds.

Good game I think it was fun :) although a bit repetitive but I guess that's the point.

I got to "I can make you shake" and then I got nauseous and had to stop playing... Maybe tweak that effect and make it less intense?

Anyway good job!

Thanks for the nice comment ☺️

I definitely ran out of time on this one. Had a lot of extra features planned, like more planet types and a more advanced point system...