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L. Boucher

A member registered Dec 16, 2020

Recent community posts

Exciting to hear the news about your newest members, congrats. And it's relieving to see that you're still active too! Not that you've taken a long time or anything of the sort, it's just that fanworks can be finicky sometimes; I crossed my fingers for this project to live and I'm glad to see that it is. Good luck with the work everybody!

Ahh, darn it. Thank you for the reply though. Here's to hoping we figure it out! ^_^

Omg, what did I miss? Do you unlock it by selecting the 'xyx' choices during toasty's route?

I found the suggestion for this game on the otome board in choiceforums, and I have never been happier to see a recommendation before! What a ride that was. Four hours over two days that I would happily hand over again. All three routes were a pleasure to play; though I may be a little bias to nightowl for the turtleneck and short sleeve combination.

I've wanted to play something similar to mysticmessenger for awhile now, and yet nobody has come out with anything. This gave me the nostalgia of MM, but it also had its unique twists and turns, and oh my god I love xyx with all of my troll loving heart.

The music? Stunning.

The graphics? Breathtaking.

The plot? Unthinkable.

The dedication of the team who put this together? Irreplaceable.

My desire to get amnesia and replay this again with a blank slate? High.

Thank you for this masterpiece, and get ready to become a golden title on Cheers, devs!

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Is that a poly or love triangle hint I'm seeing at the bottom of the options??? >.>

Hell yeah.

Whatever it may be, I feel teased and ready for the next update!

On their tumblr it says that they haven't yet started it. But they do have some other interesting stories!

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I'm not certain about a 'poly' route, however you can attract all three at the same time and have them battle over you without much of a problem (though I think in B3 we have to choose a route- however, I may be ill informed). 

Don't romance Sydeko at all in the first book, Rahim will not like it. Instead, rack up as many Chris romance points as you can to combat any lost points you get from hitting on Rahim in B2. From there flirt with Zillah, Rahim and Chris at the same time, collect all of their points with help from the guide if needed. 

Don't sleep with any of the flings and don't flirt with them in front of Chris either. He's very sensitive. Zillah doesn't mind at all, he kind of finds it funny in regards to Chris but he's salty at Rahim.

Then voila you have successfully seduced the group and get some interesting tidbits. I have only ever played as a female!Roe, so I'm not certain about how it would go for a male, or non-binary.

It's good to see you! I've been sulking on dashingdon for you, so I'm excited to see that you're still updating. I'm half-awake right now, but this story is going so, so, so well. It's amazing. Thank you!

This is... wow. WOW. I love this fandom so much, and to see it all come to life in an otome? I really do hope that you're able to continue this project, I'd be open to donating monthly on pateron and everything. This is awesome! The amount of writers and artists you've all brought together for free is spectacular. Every route is exciting! I winced each time the title screen returned because I didn't want it to stop.

Rain? Check. Hot chocolate? Check. A dramatic and rather comedic VN that makes me want to stay in bed and play it for hours on end instead of sleeping when I most certainly should because the romance and plot is so interesting? Check!

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Your genetics really came together and said 'let's make this human creative, well-written and the greatest of all interactive authors', and I'm rejoicing that I'm here to witness it all.

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This is truly one of the best otomes game that I have had the pleasure of playing, and the fact that it's also free?? Outstanding! I played every 'sweet ending' route, and each one was refreshing, nothing felt repetitive. And as I played through it the way that you suggested in the description, I really got to experience the universe that you created, there are so many easter eggs and foreshadowing, it's fun to look back on and go 'ooooh, that's why x and y happened'. 

The characters are enjoyable, real and emotionally vulnerable teens learning about the world and really going through some hard shit. The protagonist wasn't cheesy or a damsel-in-distress, and I really loved Aya's friend group and the anime club! 

I burst into tears at the end of Toshio's route, he was just such an odd character and I didn't expect him to unravel the way he did in the beginning. Poor guy. My MC will definitely be keeping the ring on for six years!

Thank you for this! The music and the art is just chefs kiss and adds to the entire thing. You're awesome!

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This is the most satisfying story I've ever read on this site. Mathias is a gem (especially in the extra story, wowee, talk about a possessive 'friend'). But the narration, the illustrations, the music, the characters, the plot, the cute little notes to the readers at the end is all just, chefs kiss!

If anybody is reading this and wondering if it's worth giving this story a go, do it! I don't know why I waited so long. I'm kind of glad that I did in a way though, just so I can read the extra story and chapter two as well, heh.

I am sitting in my lounge with the lights off and several responsibilities in the morning that I should be sleeping for; instead I am bawling my eyes out and covered in bits of tissue roll because this story just hit something raw in me. I'll need to play again soon to figure out what it is, but I haven't had such an emotional outburst in a game since I accidentally overestimated Shadowmere's ability to jump in Skyrim.

Thank you for this. Between the art, the narration, the music, and the plot, I really found myself enjoying this story (with very red eyes) and applaud you for sharing this with us. It really made my day. 

'The horses have well and truly left the stable'. Calderon never fails to make me snort with lines like that.

Thank you so much for the update. You have all put so much love and obvious dedication that I can't help but swell with happiness. This is my favourite story on, thank you for sharing it with us. 

Such a super fun game! I'm looking forward to playing all of the routes. I spent a little over three hours enjoying Rafael's, and I adore him so much! The plot of this story is fun, the music is relaxing, the art is beautiful and the twists are delightful. 100/10!

CHAPTER SIX!!!!! Omg, I have been blessed today. I can't wait for work to be over so I can link up with my grumpy General.

An enjoyable and sweet experience, your world building leaves me entranced from start to finish and the almost 'gross' setting of it all is really one-of-a-kind and super interesting! Not to mention the art is amazing! 

I'm wholeheartedly Team Brattan too, lol.

This is such an amazing vn! I was so heartbroken when the demo ended, haha. Keep up the great work. This is definitely in my top ten.