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Omg, what did I miss? Do you unlock it by selecting the 'xyx' choices during toasty's route?

(2 edits) (+1)

im actually not sure. Hahaha sorry XD i do remember picking choices related to which character route i was taking. For example choosing to greet the LI instead of the others so i'd say i didnt choose xyx's. I just saw it was unlocked after i finished toasty's route. Tho it may have just been unlocked because i went thru all the routes already. I also went thru the comments to check if he has his own route but i havent found any answers yet.


Ahh, darn it. Thank you for the reply though. Here's to hoping we figure it out! ^_^


hi so I've done research (aka scrolling in the discord server for ages--) and someone said something along the lines of there being a sequel or something- idk-- i also hid the usernames bc i didnt know if the people wanted- YEAH IDK- 

but yeah thats all i could find :,)