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Summerset Banjo

A member registered Aug 03, 2020

Recent community posts

Also could we have a soundtrack release of it? the music is dang good in this. 

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For a moment I expected Fox and Falco to appear. given that G-Zero is the name of their racing circuit in StarFox Command. 

Honestly I would be just happy with a paper mario style game. it doesn't have to be NSFW.

"You don't attack. You land a solid hit on one of the twins."


the statue moving puzzle in the new dungeon doesn't seem to work.  or at least it is way too unclear on how it's suppose to work with many of the statues getting stuck on the geometry. 

How do you achieve ascended prisoner? 

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oh sorry I did not realize it was actually something you typed in. I just assumed it was a option to select from like other prompts in the game.  I don't think there was any indication or context clue it was a typing answer. but it could be just me. 

but yeah typing the answer worked.

I think I may have encountered a bug. At the club during the hand mirror quest. I got to the part where Alir says they gave it back to Satin. But talking to Satin afterwards just has them asking who it is with just a greyed out who available with them then giving the same response if I said no.  Unless there's a step I'm missing I may have hit a bug. 

How do you become Kano's Paramour? 

oh okay. good to know.

Has that placeholder been replaced in the latest update?

The art on the sample images looks suspiciously similar to another of your games. Is it a placeholder?

So is there any content for the ruins bat? is it possible to be enslaved by him or enslave him? if so How?

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I have no travel option to go to sithya after the pirate mission. Even after refueling the core and talking to sam.

Edit: I figured out the problem. You have to talk to Arthur too. 

So you can choose to help or hind the protag or influence him and those around him and yet you also say this is a more linear game. So how does the system work exactly? is there narrative branching paths or is this more a kinetic novel?

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it's a thread on their discord. you'll need to search for it.
I believe it's #grove nsfw general

on the Grove discord there's a fanmade translation patch. 

I feel as though I'm stuck in a loop. I can't find the sewer entrance despite investigating everywhere in the neighborhood and western districts. 

is there optional erotic content in this game?

maybe i'm not paying attention but I can't seem to find where the thief went. at the game's start. 

is it possible to stay a rubber kitty drone instead of being forced to break free on the second night?

I played through all three stories. the ideas were interesting but I was a bit mixed on the execution of the stories. Especially Ranger's as I was confused by some of the story's plot. which I would like to ask about if you are cool with it. 

I think I enjoyed the water mage's story the most though I do feel disappointed that the zella of that story was somewhat robbed of a satisfying ending to his character arc. 

I was curious what exactly were or was some of the connecting threads that tied the stories together. (I noticed lorence played a role in all three tales.) I almost expected a fourth story to unlock to kind of wrap everything together with some big reveal. 

As is, it's not a bad game. had some neat ideas, characters and story bits.

Butt and/or Boob expansion. 

I figured out that the rabbit wasn't spawning because I hadn't talked to the mayor. the rabbit spawns just fine now. 

How do you find and fight the bandit boss?

I still have not been able to find the rabbit bandit anywhere in the forest.

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but there's a image file called ending-nibbles? 


by the way I'm a bit lost on how you get Nibbles ending. is it through the underground tournament?

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all I keep encountering is the regular brown baba rabbits and I've killed about dozens of them all over the forest maps. is there a specific one in the woods I keep missing? 

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I've attacked many, many brown rabbits in the woods in the nude with purity even as far low as -15 and I still have yet to trigger any scene. what am I doing wrong? 

How do you become a stripper?

I like the concept of this game. But I wish there was branching paths or at least some player choice. 

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How do you get Rhot or Xer to date you in the fair? and how do you gain more than one heart with him?

So how do you get Bernard two hearts?

Also I can't seem to raise Rhot's relationship above 49