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A member registered Sep 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Huge fan, this game was adorable and a great way to spend my time.

Hey guys! I'm an Intermediate 2D Artist with some Pixel art experience as well looking for a team! This is my second game jam, and I'm a passionate Horror-Nut.

You can find a selection of my works over on my portfolio

Looking for people with some prior game-work experience to join and draw for!

Punishing but fun platformer! Really makes you get sucked into trying and trying again, just like it should! The only issue i had was sometimes when I spawned in a level, the flamethrower noise was active but there weren't any flames on the screen. (Still killed you though.) But that really didn't present much of an issue!

Incredibly charming and stupidly fun! The whole presentation of it immediately won me over, and it was simple enough for a noob like me to have fun playing!
The knockback on the saws/fans was a bit hard to deal with sometimes, since they made me clip through the edges of the walls and get stuck and killed. Also, once I died I couldn't respawn, it just froze on the death screen. 
But none of that really hindered my enjoyment of the whole thing! Great work!