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A member registered Mar 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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I really liked the game. Got to it after running out of TLS and after playing Once Ever After and Ouroboros. You do such a great job at taking popular tropes and exploring them in a more grounded and realistic way then they usually are. 


When I try to load files from older versions I get the message:

Unable to find file:


When I try to start a new game rather than giving me the opening cutscene and sending me to the prologue, it spawns me inside the Church of the Trinity outside the Town of Beginnings and the player character graphic doesn't show up, I was just wandering around the map completely invisible.

That'd be perfectly fine, several other people have submitted supplements.

Sure, that would be fine if you just mention that you didn't make the game during the jam somewhere in the jam submission, game description, or even just a comment

(2 edits)

Howdy guys!

Join the Grimdark Hopeless Game Jam of Doom to make games that are dark, pessimistic, and well grim, games in which the villains win and which the heroes aren't really that good anyways, post-apocalyptic wastes, totalitarian regimes, and endless galaxy spanning wars. Your submission can be a serious game that uses a dystopian setting to convey theme or message, a darkly humorous game that pokes fun at overly grim and pessimistic settings that you think take themselves to seriously, or you could just make a game that's light on story and's really just about the player running around blowing stuff up, whatever your interested in!

In this Jam, you can make any kind of game you can think of: a video game, TTRPG, some kind of larp, or something more experimental and artsy that stretches the definition of the word game. Teams are also okay, and I've set up a Discord for people to find other developers to team up with, share progress on their submissions, share other things they've made, or just hang out. It starts in around two weeks and will run for a month, so you have plenty of time to decide if you want to join! 

I'm excited to meet everyone who joins, and to see what interesting, new games get submitted!

Thanks for answering my questions! I'm really excited to see how this game eventually turns out, and will definitely be interested in future versions of SBTT2 or any other game you start working on.

(1 edit)

Thanks for responding to my comment! I really liked the first game and am excited about this one. If you wouldn't mind, I have a few questions about the future of the game:

Will you eventually add in other types of evils to play as; like in the first game you could play as the chaotic evil with the cards or the evil that mainly used undead that could only go for human extinction?

Are you going to be adding any features that have to do with the worms, and do they have an intended purpose in the game beyond being something for humans to fight before we start messing everything up?

Do you plan to add in any other government types like republics, theocracies, tribal chiefdoms, absolute monarchies, or maybe even the communist revolutionaries from the first game?

So in my most recent game my strategy was to cause civil wars to weaken all of the human nations, and pick them off with the flesh one by one. I succeeded, and now the world is only inhabited by flesh and fishmen after the flesh ate all humans and worms. The game won't end since now that humanity is extinct I can't enshadow 75% of it. Am I supposed to be able to do that, and if I am then would that be considered a win, loss, or is it some kind of draw?

I have a question about a potential submission I have for IWGMTAJam Year 2.

So a while back I started working on a tabletop rpg, but got so caught up in developing the setting  that I never actually wrote down any rules. Could I submit the Google Doc I have full of useless lore that I'm never going to actually use?