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Swarnim Arun

A member registered Nov 11, 2016 · View creator page →

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If you are overheating then go towards the place where you think enemies are spawned there are white shapes there get one and it should make your gun make the temperature cool down rather than heat up. And when freezing you can do the same but get the black one it will make you heat up now.
Probably should have made it more clear but was in a hurry for the jam.

Will try my best.

Planning to do a CSharp port of it and then I will work on some feature ideas I have stored up.
I had planned a much bigger game(10x or more) but due to an electricity outage on the last day and procrastination on the first two days I was only able to complete this much.

Fixed most of them, other than the clustering stuff, it probably will be cheating. To add a new feature.

3. Yeah couldn't work on anything there was no light in my place for the whole of the last day cause of storms so just had to put the barebones out there.
1. Will put F11 there somewhere.
2. Scaling fixing.
Have found some issues in the game will fix them in the next few hours and re-upload.

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F11 for Full Screen. Nobody cares to read the description of the Game It seems.

Uploaded a zip as well for linux try now.

Didn't have my Linux around will see what I can do.

hope you liked it.

I liked this game, atleast in terms of graphics and basic idea but the execution is not something I am a fan of.
I find myself running not able to understand what to do, a minimap of place when altar can possibily be will be a fun thing. No more me mindlessly running around.

Hell I don't even use the shield any more it's quite simple to dodge and run. I was able to quite easily escape with just this, and when I had enemies on my face just shield up wait and run.

Was fun for first couple of minutes and then became a shore not able to find anything new, just those idiotic monsters. Your game is more about exploration so you should have added more things to explore. Seems boring right now.

I you want a ram then make it more obvious, like make the player lock in a specific direction and start to madly run in that direction whenever you use the shield.
More fun than dashing through.

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I would be happy to join in the fun though a bit tight on schedule but hopefully have enough for the Jam. And yes know how to use Unity and Godot and a few others though not that well.