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A member registered Dec 01, 2018

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(1 edit)

I'm not sure the exact time of the year this was published, but Tasha Robinson's article reminded me that It Will Be Hard is celebrating it's 5th Year of publication : )

EDIT: wait.. I can't do math. Make that 4 years, but excited for next year : )

(3 edits)

[this review has minor spoilers for the game.]

This game brings me back to a nostalgic part of my childhood reading through I Spy books. The soft lighting and straight-on perspective of this game also reminds me of Dutch still life paintings. Each scene was a fun little puzzle to figure out; I absolutely loved when the strings made music. Short and sweet!

Ahh that's great news, thank you for letting me know! I know you're working hard on updates/the next episode right now, so I will wait patiently for whenever this comes out :^)

I sadly cannot play this game because I have a Mac (I'm also the worst with horror games that involve running), but I wanted to comment to say that I absolutely LOVE the aesthetic of this game. It reminds me a little of LSD: Dream Emulator.

Winterlore is beautiful. It brings me back to the Flash escape room games I played as a kid--Winterlore captures the quiet eeriness of being trapped alone in a room and not knowing what could happen next. Combine this with beautiful graphics, Eastern European/Balkan/Romanian inspired folklore, and subtle sound design, and it makes me want more! The old lady at the window legitimately sent a chill down my spine, and I almost felt like she would find a way into the house if I messed up.

Overall, this game was deeply satisfying and enjoyable to play through. The difficulty level was perfect for me as well--I only had to refer to the walkthrough once when I got stuck. And I double appreciate that you included an official walkthrough video so I didn't have to dig for an unofficial one! :^)

(2 edits)

It felt fitting to play this on Father's day. I loved the eery, uneasy tone of this game--the music and cracked screen effects raise the tension to the next level. I really felt the same confusion and horror of the narrator as the scene repeated itself in unpredictable ways and he fell deeper and deeper into the time/space loop. Even though there are limited selection options and endings in this game, each scene feels fresh because of the new visual/textual clues. On another note, I wish more dads were able to come to the realizations the narrator did (albeit through supernatural means) and tried to make amends.

(6 edits)

Wink, Wink seemed simple at first glance, but it's a satisfyingly challenging game! None of us ended up winning any of the three rounds we played, but we got a lot of laughs out of trying to not-so-subtly suggest our passwords and spurn the rival agent who kept butting in to our conversations. I hope I can play this again soon.

(4 edits)

This was a fun game! My twin, friend and I played as a group of high schoolers and really enjoyed building the rooms and the suspense until the ending, where we scrambled to escape the monster we uncovered in the last room (my twin had the idea of rolling d20s to see how well we escaped each room; we had a close call at the end, but made it out relatively unscathed). I'm including a screenshot below of the house we built in Google Slides in lieu of paper :^) Thank you for the enjoyable evening!


(2 edits)

[this comment has spoilers for the comic]

I downloaded this comic in 2018, and I'm revisiting it today. I feel like every time I read through this comic I find something new and learn more about the rich characters and world you've brought to life. Despite the fictional/fantasy setting, this comic feels so realistic to me because the characters you draw remind me of people I know in my life, both in terms of body/hair type, abilities, relationship models, and personalities. 

Your work makes me feel validated and comforted as an asexual and aromantic person. I find myself having to explain to people what asexuality is over and over again and finding that people don't understand how asexual people can have relationships. Finding a work that includes a complex asexual character in a loving relationship who also negotiates their comfort levels around sex with their non-asexual partner is a breath of relief. I think showing a fun, gentle sex scene between Harold and Arthur was really helpful for me as a model of how sex and consent can be, and I wish more works approached sex the way you do in this comic.

I appreciate how you show the hard discussions and work that goes into relationships and how people work things out in the difficult times as well as the happy times. I think how you depict conflict is really important for me especially, as my gut instinct is to think that conflict=bad, when in reality conflict is an important part of any relationship, and necessary for people to grow and learn more about each other and how to care for one another. The scene at the end where Harold pushes back against Arthur's suggestion to "just forget what happened, and start again," and tells Arthur that he hasn't felt supported and that "it hasn't exactly been easy to feel great with you" I think really reminded me that just because people are in a relationship, that doesn't mean that partners can't be held accountable for their actions or harm; having a nice night together doesn't erase that need for accountability. 

My sibling DM'd this game for myself and our friend last week. We are all brand new to TTRPGs, but we had fun figuring out the mechanics of each role (our Brawler's pilots died every round, whereas my Skirmisher's pilot never died). I felt like there was space for both people with silly or more serious approaches to the game. I'm going off of my twin's DM powerpoint slides and don't have reference to the original game rules, but I think unlike the original game, we did have some mission strategy, which probably changed how we interpreted and approached the game. There was tension in knowing our pilots could die at any moment and frustration at seeing pilots die--we watched our pilots get into fights over the results of missions, or try to be reassigned knowing they were likely going to die. I was able to throw in some pilot development and even set up an anti-colonial sabotage plot, something that the Brawler and Artillery were not able to do as they had multiple pilots die. 

As someone who has just got into the Gundam series, I appreciate how the mechs are the protagonists of this game. It was interesting to deduce what our pilots were feeling or doing through their actions and body language. By the end of the series, many of us were also reflecting on our mechs' lack of agency in their situations--our Artillery mech was happy to be left abandoned at the bottom of a mine pit with their dead pilot at the end of the game, because it meant they were no longer being used for imperial purposes. In the end, even though the reactor didn't explode, we were still scattered across different places and either abandoned or reappropriated. And our pilots deaths barely had an impact on the battles and missions we fought which were, in the end, futile. At least, that's my perspective on it--I can't speak on the DM or my friend's thoughts.

All this to say, thank you for this game!