I began to work on my next project.
You can still report your bugs but I will only patch the worst ones.
Make a screenshot of the errormessage or the part of the game that caused you trouble and describe the problems you had.
I'm really enjoying the game so far, it is impressive how much you are able to accomplish without even a jump mechanic. I got stuck for a while on the frog boss. I got the "extra life", but got hit before the save point right before the boss, so I only had one life to fight the boss with (which made him really tough). Maybe I should have gotten hit again before saving so I could make it back to the boss with full lives, but I didn't know to do that at the time, and I didn't see any way to do that after I had saved. Maybe there is a hidden reason for this behavior that I don't know yet, but I would have liked it if you got full lives when saving at a checkpoint, or at least when respawning.
Thank you for the valuable feedback.
I forgot to implement a way to go back so players can collect the spirit containers you already collected and some spirit balls to fill up their lives.
I will add a mushroom so you can jump back and collect spirit balls there are more than 50 in the room some are hidden. You need 100 so it won't take much time. I will upload the update soon.
But I can't give the players full lives at every checkpoint because you can get up to 9 lives and often there are many checkpoint so that players would be able to run mindlessly through later parts of the game without ever risking to die.
What I did instead is giving players floored 50÷ of their max. lives. So if you have 9 Livecontainers and less then 4 lives you will have 4 lives after saving at the next checkpoint.
' it is impressive how much you are able to accomplish without even a jump mechanic.'
In fact I was taking a bit of a risk there. I risked to scare off players by giving them almost no abilitys at the start. The start of the game might feel a bit like a mobile game but only as a contrast to the later gameplay. I hope more people are as patient as you and see the effort I invested.
quick little bug report: i started a second save to show my sweetheart something, and i notice the save 2 playtime on the file select says 2h 58m, which is my save 1 playtime (2h 48m) plus 10 minutes (which i think is how long i played on save 2). this isnt a problem for me but i thought you would like to know.
Sadly after more than one hour I couldn't recreate the issue. I can't tell you why this happened, in 5 years I never ran into this problem. Without finding the reason for this bug I can't solve it. For now I have to live with it. If anyone can tell me more about the exact circumstances under which this bug occurs I will continue my efforts to fix it.
But thank you again for making me aware of this.
sorry for giving you such a run around with this one! this shouldn't be important if it's very rare, but in case it's bothering you let me give as much more detail as I can:
I started the game for the first time that day (having played 2h48m on previous days), watched the entire opening cutscene, and then went into a second file without launching the first one. Then I played for ten minutes, doing a lap of the left area before heading to the right area where you can first save the game. Then I saved, went down the elevator, walked into a thorns on purpose, and promptly quit. Then I looked at the saves and they were strange so I told you about it. I later played more on my first save, and my second save (which I haven't touched since) has remained at 2h58m while my first save progresses as normal.
Wow , thats really detailed and helpful.
But you don't have to be sorry this is not really a run around compared to other bugs that appeared after Game Maker Updates and took weeks to solve because they had nothing to do with my code and even if it was a run around, it's my fault because this bug has most likely to do with the way I programmed the savesystem.
I can't tell if it is rare. I couldn't recreate it but that doesn't mean it won't happen to others. I really hope it is rare.
I guess most of you will have a long way to go before this happens but if anyone has problems with the final boss I can help you.
The final boss is even a bit more difficult than the bosses before. It's inspired by games like Metroid Dread and Zelda BOTW where the difficulty is defined by the number of upgrades you collected. Every single upgrade will help to make him easier, there is even a hidden ability. I made sure that the boss can be defeated with 1 live and zero furballs, I already did that multiple times but you would have to be very skilled in this game to pull that off.
There are many different strategies for this boss but if you are almost giving up and don't want to collect more upgrades
go to my youtube channel Bobo The Cat [ Game ] - YouTube there you will find a guide with one of the easiest strategys for this fight.
Hi! I’m enjoying the game; currently just exited the creepy catacombs. I ran into a crash here on the map:
I was walking through that room and got hit by an angry dog, so I went into the pause menu to choose “retry”. I heard a strange noise, accidentally pressed the wrong key (I don’t know what), heard another strange noise, then pressed “retry” and the game crashed:
I think the strange noise was just the dog playing a high-pitched/sighing sound effect I didn’t recognize? but it was weird that it played a second time while I was in the menu the whole time.
text version of the error:
action number 1
of Step Event2
for object obj_alien_bones:
Unable to find any instance for object index '92' name 'alien_light'
at gml_Object_obj_alien_bones_Step_2
gml_Object_obj_alien_bones_Step_2 (line -1)
First of all I am happy that you enjoy the game. Thank you for the detailed bugreport. I can't tell you what was going on with the sound but I solved the reason why your game crashed. The problem is when you restart the game all objects will be deleted but always in a different order and some ojects still run their code while others are already deleted. The background alienbones object wanted to communicate with the lighting object but it was already deleted. So I now had to change it in a way that the bones ask if the lighting object exists before they run their code. I guess this bug is solved now. But I can't guarantee that similar bugs won't appear, luckily this kind of crash is not so problematic because you won't lose any progress.
Hello Bobo, I found a small bug when I replayed the game. The 40 gate below let me go through even though I think I only had ~36 Circuit Keys at the time (I didn't record the exact number but it was definitely below 40). You can see on the map that the gate is still red, but the gate opened up and let me get the burger.
I was in this room with the submarine and shot the bottom fish and got the following error. I’m using Version 10 of the game. I was only able to reproduce it once after several attempts and it seems like it only happens when I collide with the fish at same exact moment as the fish is hit by my torpedo.
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_ship:
Pop :: Execution Error - Variable set failed x - read only variable?
at gml_Object_obj_ship_Step_0
gml_Object_obj_ship_Step_0 (line -1)
Thank you I will test this tomorrow but I can already tell you that I most likely can't solve it. It's a weird error message that doesn't make any sense . I googled it and it seems to be a Game Maker bug. That's why I learn to use Unity right now. The most frustrating and time consuming part of development was finding workarounds for Game Maker bugs and with every update of that program there were new bugs. Sadly noone tells you that you shouldn't make updates while working on a project . I stopped updating game maker weeks ago because with the new update nothing works anymore and it even crashes everytime you watch the intro.
After half an hour I managed to reproduce this bug. It might have to do with the bubbles. After one game maker update the bubbles often crashed the game. Before the update they worked perfectly fine for several years. After one week of work I found a workaround. But this bug is much more rare and if I try to fix this for another week ( I most likely can't fix it anyway) I will never be able to start making Bobo The Cat 2 (and I can't wait for that. In my mind Bobo 2 is already finished.). But your effort was not in vain, this is really interesting for me and important to know.
That's good to hear. But I have to say that it might still take some years. I will start from scratch and will have to learn c# and unity while making this game. And there are many complicated little mechanics that are not so obvious for the player like the culling-system.
If there were good chances that I could solve this bug with less than 20 hours of work I would do it because I am not sure if the bug is limited to that room. I think it can appear in all rooms of the watertemple that are accessible with the submarine.