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A member registered Jun 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Glad to hear you enjoyed this silly little game, thank you so much for your comment! Made my day!

Hehe, thanks so much for playing Arthur! I'm glad it could make one more person smile! :) I also can't believe I shat this game out of my butt in 20 days without prior experience, but then again I'm glad that a small game originally made to make fun of my friends like this can be enjoyable to strangers in the internet! <3 I appreciate you for trying this random game out of thousands out there and even dropping a comment! Now I'M gonna be smiling for hours!!

Really fun game! The art, gameplay and story were all very engaging. I love the mystery aspect of this game, and after I got my 1st ending, I went ahead to find the other 3. It was that good, wow, ending 3 completely stunned me! Thanks for the great game, and CONGRATS ON THE RODY PLUSHIE

This is such a cute little game! I love this concept of the ghost being present throughout this human's life, up to their marriage, and fixing all their things, doubly so to keep their baby safe. Thanks for making such a cute game!

Ah yes, my fellow elf enjoyer ;)

Thank you for playing and dropping a comment aaaaa I appreciate it!

You're right, Artur does underestimate himself! Hahaha, after getting Swordy's curse, he should have been able to kill it! I suppose he's still afraid of the pain despite not being able to die xD

I am happy you enjoyed the extra dialogues from the items, hehe. Bullying Cosmicle is my favorite past time 😌

Aaaaa, thank you very much!! I appreciate your response!

I will remember regarding the self switch, thanks! I'm so glad you find the characters likeable, that's like saying my friends are funny, because they're all literally my friends lmao. As for the story itself, wow thank you! 😲

Starting as a game dev feels monumental, I get you. I remember I started because Covid hits, and I wanted to do smth for my friends in case something happens to them ;A;

Thank you so much for dropping a comment, this literally made my day 🙏

Omg,, thank you!! Thank you so much for playing my game!! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! Truly, I am trying my best to make the sequel just so I can provide people like you a good time hhhhh

EVERY SINGLE DIALOGUE? Oh my gosh, you madlad, that's super impressive!! 😭 Even the items in Sage Rye's abode with Cosmicle in your party?? Because most people would miss that! hskdjsj

Either way, this is SUCH an honor to read! Your comment made me tear up actually lmao

THE FLOWER STEPPING BOSS OMG I wonder if I can add that thing in postgame so you can fight it with [spoiler aka ur best buddy] and the drop is something you can give [ur best buddy] 🥺

Oh no, thank YOU for playing and sharing your thoughts and comment with me!! This makes my week 😭💕

h its sunday and i just woke up to this and i am crying in bed 🥺 To see people enjoying my game despite it being made as a joke for fun with friends is making me emotional omg


i think the whole reason i had so much fun making this game was because i can poke fun of my friends in the game while the characters poke fun at ME as a dev lmao, mutual 🤝 clownery

Thank You So Much for playing my game and sharing your funny comment, it pulled a laugh out of me, im gonna come back at read this over and over throughout the rest of this year for a boost 😭💕


THANK YOU so much for trying my game and even posting a gameplay out of it! I haven't finished watching it but it's a great reference for me seeing your speedthrough!! Also your comment is much appreciated aaaaaa super happy to hear you enjoy the characters! I had the most fun with them! Thank youuuu!! 😭

WAIT I just saw this on my way to work! ;A; It was such a joy watching your journey, and reading this made me keel over with feels huhuhu,,, THANK YOU SO MUCH, I cannot express in words how much this comment means to me!

Yessss!! Best purchase of my life! Can't wait to go ham with it hahaha!

Thank you for the birthday wish!

Mark, hello!! Thank you for the birthday wish! Gosh, I've added your name to the special thanks thing for finding that one bug, I still very much appreciate it!

Best of luck with college!! Please don't mind this game until you are free, don't worry! Have a blessed week!

Thank youuu!!! Oh my goodness, there's so much possibility with this program, I'm gonna have so much fun! You too!! Congratulations on your collaboration fot the spooktober thingy!! Good luck!!

Hello! I forgot to let you know that I've tried this game a few weeks back and so far, I'm enjoying it so much! I haven't gotten around into finishing it yet(curse my worktrips), but I typed a bit of my thoughts and excitement as I played through in real-time in Notepad! I thought I should share it and reply the rest under this once I'm free enough to resume my adventure!

  • Startup music and title art is so fresh and nice! An adventure is brewing and I am excited to jump in!
  • Love that establishing character moment with Siena, Kain and Erika. In one single conversation, you've brought up what we need to know about all 3, mygod this writing
  • This music is so lovely...
  • I love that you wrote such a unique way to heal in the castle, hahaha. God, I enjoy unnatural things.
  • NING JUN HAS SUCH A NICE COLOR PALETTE, I'm such a fan of his design. Also the fact that he can heal right when Siena desperately needs it is very well-planned!
  • O H N O
  • Oh boy.... your majesty... w h y
  • I absolutely love how relatable each and every one of these (main) characters are, like you just naturally vibe with them. I have to tip my hat to this writing.

This was as far as I've written in Notepad! I'll come back to this game once I find enough time! Don't worry! I hope you stay safe!

I've completed your game offline since the start of August and have typed a longass commentary in Notepad of my adventure in real-time as I play, but I have COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN to paste it into the Comments here as I intended to, I'm so sorry!

I was one of the people who saw your game under a thread in twitter and promised to try it, and I'm so very glad I did!!

Here's my adventure;

  • Dante and a game called "Devil-" I see what you did there
  • DANTE GOOD END IS SO GOOD..... ;A; There's a sense of comfort and open-ness in the way the boys communicate. The way Ellis connects his thoughts feels believable and relatable, you have a way with words and makes us feel what he's feeling. The conversations and banters doesn't feel like it's dragging on, which is something I notice a lot in VNs. The way you write them feels natural. It's really charming. It feels really nice. The music makes it chill too. Like I'm playing this while it's raining outside, and god, the relaxation I get from this combination is superb.
  • I think I'm in Adrian route now, and it's fascinating that it sheds light to more of Ellis' past. Like I only just learned he moved just last year :0
  • Adrien's friendship end was so sweet... ;v; How did you manage to write all these complicated things so seamlessly, I'm in awe...
  • Adrien romantic end makes a lot of sense too what with Ellis consistently getting mesmerized by his swings... This is adorable, thank you for this warmth in my heart... ;-;
  • I'm in Chester route now and I appreciate the consistency of the state of Ellis' PSP being broken a month ago, which is something that was mentioned in Adrian's route as well
  • Ellis immediately responding angrily to the possibility of Chester getting bullied is *chefkiss*
  • "Suddenly, you're hit with the urge to protect this small, impressionable kid." Oh, I LIKE this protective Ellis.
  • The arm-wrestling part with Sam from Dante's route returns!
  • That bit about Ellis' dad and him sitting by the phone... Oh, you poor sweet child...
  • Oh no.... Oh no, Chester, oh no.
  • Oh this hug with Chester draws out more emotion from me, because I can personally relate in seeking strength, oof
  • CHESTER GOOD END GET!!! Aaaahhh that was nice...!
  • I snagged the bad end too for the full Gallery so now I feel complete, but my kokoro is brokoro;

THIS ENTIRE THING WAS SO, SO GOOD... I adore your art, your writing, your sense of threading the conversations into something that means a lot  to these characters... It's all so good. I enjoyed After School, and I thank you for making such a great visual novel.

Oh, that's certainly odd! Thank you so much for informing me! I'll look it up immediately! What's supposed to happen is after that lunch scene, the screen should fade out and show this image! Here, I'll show it to you since you missed it!

And the image pans up into a text that says "Until our next adventure!"

After that, it should boot you back to the title screen.

Alright, I've downloaded the 2.1 version myself to try in another device and the CG worked as intended, hmm. Can you tell me whether you played for Windows or Mac OS?

My goodness, I can't thank you enough for finding this bug! =O! Now that I own RPGMMV, I should put your name in the 2.2 update under the betatester list for finding this crucial bug aaaa

Thank you so much, Mark!! Admittedly enough, my trial for RPGMMV was at the 19th day when I wrote that ending, so it was definitely rushed as heck! Hahaha! Congratulations on picking up the clues through the dialogues! It was such a fun experience putting certain things everywhere. I hope you enjoyed the after-credits as well!

Thank you so very much for the comment, this made my day!

I am forever grateful that we released our games at around the same time so we get to experience each others' games, it's such an honor to hear you enjoyed the adventure!

Thank you so much ;-;

I gasped!! An update! That's wonderful!! I will keep that in mind! Thank you so much, and good luck with the extra things in the game!

(1 edit)

I am in love with this game. I love everything about it; the system, the gameplay, the characters, the books, the paintings, the music, the art... Everything is absolutely charming!
Business sim games like these are my favorite genre, and I dare say this game is highly likely my absolute favorite so far for years to come.
Thank you so, so, so much for making this game!! It was such a joy to play!

I was so happy to have found all 15 Dickens books as well as keeping all the paintings in the inn! Playing it on Casual makes me feel like I've achieved the greatest thing once I've paid the bank.

I just finish the game and will start NG+ whenever I need a pick-me-up! Your game has quite literally pulled me out of an episode, I cannot thank you enough. The calming sense that I feel from this game, and the little NPC side-stories are really so cute, I absolutely fell in love. I'm gonna recommend this game to my friends, its the best thing I've played all 2020.

Thank you so much!

Aaahhh, I caught this game on steam and made a twitter thread with short videos of my reactions when I played it!

Charming game! I will make sure to finish it!

Hello. Thank you so much for developing this game! It was quite an adventure. Admittedly, I am not strong enough to play this game myself, so I opted to watch a playthough by FlareBlitzed. Thus my experience with the game is tied to his commentary, and I cannot thank both of you enough for this experience. I appreciate the message you've put, and I am also grateful you've added the suicide prevention hotline at the end of this game. Thank you for all your hard work, and your kindness in doing so.

I appreciate it immensely.

That is exactly what cats are, truly.

Puns and memes! Just what I need in these trying times! I will def play it soon!

Oh goodness, my Ren'Py VN was a passion project back then that I never managed to finish due to being overly ambitious. 😂 Which is why I admire you, frankly! I hope we can support one another in coming times! 

I SAT UP AND GASPED! Oh my goodness, I love that picture, may I save it?! Also, you're right! I'm gonna look back at this and smile stupidly hahaha, thank you so much!! And thank you for this meme, I will save it forever in my phone omg, you're amazing 🥺

(1 edit)

Thank you for making Moonlight Mansion! (My cat woke me up in the dead of night, thank him for giving me time to experience your game at the most opportune and perfect rainy moment 😂)

I saw in the credits that you played some too! All of them sounded so professional, big props to your playing and your choices of music! Aaaaa, thank you for the websites!!

That's right! Puns! I saw a VN about puns in your list, that's the next thing I'm eyeing on! 👀 Soon 👀 Aww, thanks for making such a nice game. It makes me spirited to continue my abandoned Ren'Py project, tbh! Thank you!!

Oh wow, this is your first VN? Wow this is even more monumental, considering how far you've gotten! It's like a stepping stone that jumpstarted you in making all kinds of things, I respect that! I don't know the full story quite yet, but it sounds ambitious and I'm amazed you finished development, that must be driven by so much love.

I think it may be just my phone unable to load the bg, so don't worry! I'll try it again on pc! I must discover the mystery! 😤

Don't be sorry for the issues, I find them all to be quite charming, really! It's a part of your journey in Ren'Py and that's important! Unpolished or not, I believe it's still a story worth telling, and there's nobody in this world who could tell your story like you, so I'll be happy to read it when my laptop is back from the dead! I'll comment on the game page properly next time after I finish it, just you wait! 👌

(2 edits)

AH This game is absolutely perfect to play at 4am while it's raining outside. The music is unbelievably beautiful, especially all the piano pieces, I'm such a huge fan of it now. Lowkey wanna look in the game file for the mp3 lmao

I love the story so much 🥺 The writing was beautiful, and I especially like that Merlin can tell Emil's current emotions by his piano playing. The music jargon aren't something I'm familiar with but it's so cool to learn! God, I cannot get over the music, every piece is so good. Also I'm so slow, it took me a while to realize Maria Cart is a reference to Mario Kart 😂 The blood moon sequence was amazingly intense, and I love the play of words. Like when the friend told Merlin how their physics teacher rambled about relativity, and then a few scenes later, Nero said "ever heard of relativity?" I burst out laughing at Merlin's "...Ugh."

I'm so happy to get an ending that I feel satisfied with!

I can't wait to play again to find the other endings! The rain hasn't stopped, so I'll dive right back in. Thank you so much for this short VN, it's so charming. The premise is so mysterious and the realization of what that mansion actually is hits great. I love it.

I'd like to end this comment by showing the scene in the game that made me go, "yEAH GIRL"

I love these two 🥺

Update: I saw Ending 1 and 2 and my respective reactions are below in meme format

Ending 1: showed the letter cg


Ending 2: when Merlin [redacted bc spoilers] and Emil asked if she wanted to play piano with him



Hello! First of all, thank you for making this game available for Android and fixing it even after years!

I'm here in this devlog instead of the main game page to notify you of an error I've run into for the Android version. I believe it's a missing bg of the clock? Here is the error:

I am unsure if it's just my device unable to run it, in which case, I will have a go at it on the pc version too soon! 

Other than that, I'm enjoying it so far! I really like the atmospheric sfx and the screenshakes during conversations! Especially considering Lou is such an energetic character, the screenshakes just fits him whenever he starts yelling, that's a very smart thing to consider. Also, lowkey intrigued by the chill fisherman 👀

Noooo, believe me, I want to! I love stories! I also just realized you've made VN games for Androids too, that's amazing!! I can definitely play them this way without my laptop! Bless you!!

I cannot articulate enough how thankful and unbelievably happy your comment made me! It took me hours to think how to respond, but please note both you and El.Seth has made me incredibly hopeful to eventually purchase RPGMaker. To think my learning process can give this much enjoyment to others, and veterans at that...! I'm so, so honored.

You've pointed out so many good points, I am a pile of embarrassed mush, but I will try my best to put my thoughts into words!

Oh goodness, the mapping! I had so much trouble with that! I had to look up examples and read up tips from the community, and my respect to game-makers grew like tenfold. It is so difficult! Mad respect to people who do these for years, oh my gosh, and that includes you!

As for the characters, I am pleasantly surprised to know that people find them interesting! Due to the parody nature of the game, I had no higher goals than to hope they could amuse the players, even a tiny bit. To know that you found them to be fun is incredibly humbling, I could not be happier. 🥺

Ah! You interacted with things around you! That makes me so glad! Thank you!! It was so fun putting tidbits and conversations here and there! The plot development moved so fast, the only way I could give the characters some room to be themselves is by item interaction! Thank you so much for noticing this! I asked my brother to betatest and he nyoom-ed so fast to the next plot, it made me sad HAHA

The fact that you recognize the music made me smile from ear to ear! To be honest, the title music and art was originally the default RPGMV one, but 5 days in development, my playlist suddenly played Death Should Not Have Taken Thee and only then did I notice, "Hey wait. This is the exact feral energy I wanted in this game!" and that Artur looks similar to Len. Which I immediately took advantage of for the title art hahahaha.

Thank you so, so, so much for your earnest and heartfelt comment, you and El.Seth helped me in finding confidence to go further. I never knew making games can make me feel this happy. Thank you!! I will make sure to return the favor and try your games as well after I fix my laptop! There's so much I could learn! So much stories to discover! I am excited!

Thank you for making my first experience this amazing. I will remember your kindness, as well as El.Seth's forever.

Hi! Oh my goodness, you have no idea how many times I've read and reread your message, it makes me so incredibly happy! Thank you so much for taking your time to play and even commenting, I'm so honored it can make at least one person laugh!

Once my laptop is up and running again, I will make sure to try some of your games as thanks!!! I saw your list and am highly interested in some of the titles 👀