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A member registered Aug 25, 2020

Recent community posts

Hi, the outside events were implemented in the v0.06, available on subscribestar.

Hi, yes, the v0.06 will be free when the v0.07 will be available for supporters, Pachi aim for a release between 2 to 4 weeks.

Hi, the shower scene will be implemented in a future update.

(1 edit)

Hi, saving is automatically done at the beginning of each in-game day, but unfortunately it doesn't work on browser, if you wish to keep your progress, you will have to download the game.

Hi, the v0.06 will be available for free when the v0.07 update will be done, Pachi aim for a release in september.

Hi, the red (heart) one is love, the pink (lips) one is desire and the green (sprout) one is mental health, but there's very few interactions with this stat for now, Pachi will work on it in a further update.

Hi, Pachi is aiming for a release in september but there is no definitive date yet.

Hi, the outside events were implemented in the v0.06 of the game, available on subscribestar.

Hello, yes, the game automatically save at the beginning of each in-game day.

Hello, from the FAQ.

Q: It says something about a key that I need to download it?

A: If you haven't bought the game before has disabled payouts for me, you can only download v0.05 on this page. v0.06 is available on my subscribestar.

Hi, the v0.06 will be available for free when the v0.07 will be released, Pachi aim for september.

(1 edit)

Hi, Pachi is aiming for an update release in september.

Hi, the outside events were implemented in the v0.06, available on subscribestar.

Hi, Pachi aim for september.

Hi, yes in some ways, interacting with Mayu will rise the love and desire stats unlocking new dialogs and possibilities for some scenes.

Hi, saving is automatically done at the beginning of each in-game day but it doesn't work on browser version, you will have to download the game if you want to keep your progress.

Hi, from the FAQ.

Q: It says something about a key that I need to download it?

A: If you haven't bought the game before has disabled payouts for me, you can only download v0.05 on this page. v0.06 is available on my subscribestar.

Hola, si te pide una clave cuando intentas descargar el juego es normal. Estás intentando descargar la v0.06 que sólo está disponible para los seguidores, sólo puedes descargar la v0.05. 

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I'm not certain, you should join the Discord so you will be informed when the new translation system will be implemented.

Hi, depending on the language you're speaking, you could maybe be able to help on the translations, they will reopen as soon as Pachi will implant a better system so stay tune.

Hi, the game is still development and Pachi aim for a release in 2026. Right now there is only 5 h-scenes in the v0.05 but if you wish for more content, the v0.06 is available on subscribestar.

I'm sorry but there's no other alternatives to support Pachi.

Hi, if you have Paypal and are fine with the game being censored, you can support Pachi on fantia by buying "tora coins" and using them on Pachi's profile.

(1 edit)

Hi, the outside events were implemented in the v0.06, the latest update available on subscribestar.

Hi, saving is automatically done at the beginning of each in-game day but it doesn't work on browser version, you will have to download the game if you want to keep your progress.

Hi, from the FAQ.

Q: It says something about a key that I need to download it?

A: If you haven't bought the game before has disabled payouts for me, you can only download v0.05 on this page. v0.06 is available on my subscribestar.

Hi, Pachi aim for a release in August.

Hi, yes, the latest and uncensored version of the game is available for supporters on subscribestar.

Hi, from the FAQ.

Q: It says something about a key that I need to download it?

A: If you haven't bought the game before has disabled payouts for me, you can only download v0.05 on this page. v0.06 is available on my subscribestar.

Hi, the Steam release will be heavily censored but a patch will be available on an external website to remove the censoring.

Hi, from the FAQ.

Q: It says something about a key that I need to download it?

A: If you haven't bought the game before has disabled payouts for me, you can only download v0.05 on this page. v0.06 is available on my subscribestar.

Hi, ja, Pachi hat gesagt, dass das Spiel etwa 14-15$ kosten wird, mit regionalen Preisen.

Hi, a friend of Pachi is already working on a russian translation, but thank's for offering your help.

Hi, the free version is available on, you can download it directly on it. If you wish to gain access to the latest update and uncensored version of the game, you can support Pachi on subscribestar.

Hi, the save is automatically done at the beginning of each in-game day, but infortunately it doesn't work on browser, if you want to keep your save you have to download the game.

Para a cena da casa de banho, Mayu permite-lhe entrar com 40% de luxúria. Depois, as cenas exteriores foram implementadas na v0.06, a última atualização disponível no subscribestar

Hello, this scene was implemented in the v0.06, available on subscribestar.

Hi, if you're talking about this, it's a kitchen h-scene, interact with her when she's at the left of the table in the kitchen.

The v0.06 is already available for supporters on subscribestar. Or you can wait for the v0.07 update to be released which will allow the v0.06 to be available for free, Pachi aim for an update in august.

Hello, this scene was implemented in the v0.06, available on subscribestar.