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A member registered Nov 21, 2018 · View creator page →

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Pretty self explanatory. I've been trying to figure out how to get the Log file on this post for like 5m now and I kinda just gave up. Contact me @ TEA#9790 on discord for the Log. Either that or if you could help me figure out how to get the log here that'd work too. Apologies!

Yup, looks like insider's items is the culprit. here's the log with just mystic's + insiders. Probably has the same info as the last log but who knows.

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Yeah it's a mod incompat, works with mystic's only. I'll try insider items since that was the first one in the log that i saw.

Looked at the log when putting it in the pastebin and it's probably a mod incompat, but still unsure since i haven't tested mystic's alone yet, i'll get back on it asap tho.

Yeah it appears in the most recent update treasure map isn't working. I'm going to see if it's a mod incompatibility but i'm pretty sure it's not. Here's the log and some images.

Note: This also applies to burn's 1 second of grace after being cleansed/blast showered

I can confirm that i've been having this issue too. Oddly enough, from what i can tell there's also a white circle in the middle that doesn't really do anything.

Afaik, Rift lens has a couple of issues currently that I ran into.

- Rift lens' timer in normal stages is infinite?

- One rift is completed when you enter a stage.

- Rifts give no items.
- Rifts complete after 'closing' one.

- Rift timer on Commencement is 6 seconds.

[ Log File ] (All of this was one run)
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It's just a blue square it seems, and that's really all I can say. Here's an Image of the issue.

Forgot the log, sorry bout that. (I encountered all the bugs i've been posting in one run today, so It's the same log)

This game is super neat, but currently there isn't much variety in terms of attacks
Maybe in the future there could be alternate, select-able attacks such as a big orb instead of a beam, or lightning-bolt esque pillars?
Unsure if this would kill balance, but overall I think it'd be fun

I have a question: What would you call on with a skill_get (or ultra_get) in a string of code? Would you use the name of the mutation or..?

ex: if instance(player) skill/ultra_get(?) {

probably a configurable option, but I feel a half to a fourth of a second would be enough time to hold it, so that tapping it doesn't register the menu/timeslow

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so, as robot (or any character) switching with an empty offhand will in fact switch to the empty offhand. robot then can proceed to consume it. I assume it works with others as well, but don't take my word on that. (inf eat did work when I had defpack on, so that could'be been a problem

also, most weaponless characters error when this mod is installed, but some others like molesarge I believe also do. not confirmed, but may be an issue

also possibly make it so that robot can eat a weapon if he has one in his inventory, as getting a laser pistol, and having a cluster launcher + laser cannon won't let you eat the weapon if you only have one weapon in your hand. You have to take the launcher out, switch to the pistol, and make sure you don't accidentally eat the launcher when it goes to your main hand, from your offhand, and the pistol goes to your offhand

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The radial menu is kinda awkward to use, since sometimes it just doesn't work. Maybe make an animation for when you're hovered over a weapon, and want to switch to it? Or possibly let us click to swap it into our main hand?

There's also another infinite eat bug, where a blank weapon slot will allow you to consume it over and over if you (possibly) just have one weapon, and press space

Possibly make melee #1 instead of #6, as it makes a bit more sense to have it closer/faster to pull out in dire situations

Also maybe add a small amount of time you have to hold space, so that it doesn't slow when you just tap it

Hope you continue this, cause it's hella cool