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A member registered Sep 06, 2021

Recent community posts

Great puzzle game! My only suggestion would be to add saves and a way to speed up animations so resetting on attempts is less time consuming.

Cool concept, my one request would be an option to increase the text speed as it's very slow for me.

Oh yep! You're right

Great concept and the movement of lucifer feels really good, very smooth. Nice to see a good execution of an action H-game. My concern would be for balance, as getting to stack multiple of the same +60% damage boosts really kills the challenge. I'd suggest limiting the items to just a single copy in your inventory. I did have a glitch happen during the boss fight where the screen got a yellow tint that never disappeared, even into the cutscene and when returned to limbo. It only went away on a restart. Definitely looking forward to seeing more on this project though.

Very cute and sexy! I really like the character design and concept. My only complaint was a lack of instruction. I thought I had soft locked myself until I realized by accident that you could double jump. I could see this being a really fun longer title with multiple levels that introduce new platforming challenges. Maybe a way to seduce a guards? There's a lot of potential here