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A member registered Nov 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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I'm sure you can figure it out

(Was that a good enough hint?)

I got the engine working first try without looking. Is it that easy or am I lucky?

@ unq n qernz gung ur jevgrf n svyr nobhg. vg'f nabgure 00 svyr, fb lbh fubhyq or noyr gb thrff vg frzv-rnfvyl.

And just like that, its over. Although I swear that name is familiar...

V tbg gur gjvfg nf jryy, gurer ner gjb jubyr npgf yrsg!! bu ab

thank you that was the bit of help I needed

I need a hint










I am also missing one reference from 02-LI-5-8-9

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I wish I could add an image to the game for steam :/

they grow??

I win :D

oh wow I did not see this until today thanks itch. So uh Ive never used roll 20 but im up for it.

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can someone give me a hint with the star?

I can't figure out image spoilers

Am I on the right track? Is it even possible from this state?

Too Far Gone? I love references in games.

now I'm stuck at 5,10 star

ok that's pretty cool

wait a second, I think I got it

Im stuck in 3, 15 :(

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I got 1540 on slide 1

and now 1265 on turtle 2

spoiler warning:

I managed to get into and then out of the final square. I bet you could save another box.

you get both shells before any of the stars

yay :D

thank goodness there is only four, I have to keep revisiting earlier levels.

spoiler warning!

slide the top row over a couple times, and then fill in the missing blocks by sliding the columns up from underneath.

do you have all the secrets unlocked? how many do you have?


another one! I'm so excited!

I also got 6.3 on 21 :)

baba is bloated

hearing that you have other projects is good at least. Playing this short demo was really fun as well!

Ah hah I got it, the 49-stone was not a red herring in my case, I did not even notice it  my first playthrough. I really liked the solution :)

I hope this project isnt abandoned

I got the smallest stone (trying not to spoil) how do I unlock it in my collection? Just get a white screen.

He swapped cards with me and lost. Very smart.

Wow this reminds me of inscryption NO  WAY

I think I over complicated multiplier

you make very fun math games

simply than a sum of squares... maybe idk

found a simpler solution for Positive:


still working on 2 :(

I loved the x's, thank you!