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Tarek Creations

A member registered May 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Great Game ! A simple yet enjoyable concept. You should make more levels and make a full polished version of this game.

Thank you so much for your review <3

This problem is actually a big issue that I tried to fix in the game, but I only had like half the time to work on it and I had to start making the levels .. I'll try my best to fix these issues and make a full version for Android users

thanks for playing it :)

I'll fix it in the android update..thanks for playing it :)

Thanks for playing it... I'll try to mess with it to make it feel more enjoyable after the jam :) 

Thanks for playing it....I'll try to do your solution after the jam :)

I liked the UI design in your game😁👍

there is also a third roll in one in the jam XD

thanks for playing it :)

thanks for playing it :)

I'll try to balance the difficulty and making the minimap actually work after the jam....thanks for playing, rating and giving feedback :)

thanks for playing it😁👍

I'll try to balance the difficulty after the jam....thanks for playing it :)

I appreciate that and I'm really happy you liked the music and the colors and that you enjoyed the game😁👍

I was trying to make the levels easier and balanced but I didn't have enough time...I'll try to fix it in the future.. thanks for playing it and giving feedback 😁👍

I think it's a bit too easy you can just move away from the enemies....try making the movement faster

I was trying to make it hard but maybe I can change that in the future...thanks :)

thanks for playing it and I'm glad you liked it 😁👍

(1 edit)

I'm glad you liked it....I tried to make it as random as possible😁👍

thanks for playing it.....and the buttons in the menu depends on the (event system) component in (OnPointerEnter) and (OnPointerExit) will find a lot of tutorials about it on youtube...hopefully you can use it in your next game😁👍

I'm glad you liked it :)

Yeah... I also use this strategy to win 😂

Thanks for playing it😁👍

Great job, good mechanics, absolutely amazing 

thanks...and I'm glad that you like's my first game and I will try my best in the next jam