Thank you. I hope you enjoy it!
Tartessos Games
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Thank you very much LeeBee, I hope you enjoy it. I am not planning to make a 128k version at the moment, because, although I think that music is a very important part of video games, and I always pay the most attention to it, composing or adapting it myself in most cases, this game asked for silence, and I like to only hear the sound of the pieces as if it were a chess tournament. On the other hand, everyone can choose their favorite music to listen to while solving the challenges.
However, I appreciate your offer and I will keep it in mind if I finally make an extended version in 128k. Greetings!
Thanks for your opinion. Personally, I think that when you publish something you always expose yourself to all kinds of criticism, more or less constructive.
In the case of the Lair video that you mention, it seems like a tantrum to me mainly motivated because the game does not adapt to his level of clumsiness. And I say this because clumsiness is what he demonstrates in his video, he falls into all the traps and gives absurd advice such as: move forward by letting yourself get hit and then recharge life in one of the houses, without realizing that recovering life in this way wastes time and It should only be used if you know you will have leftovers. Then he complains that time kills him... Normal... And other things like that. Either he does it expressly to make fun and receive the applause of his clappers (colyte followers), or he really is that clumsy.
He also complains a lot about the respawn time, which is okay, it may not be to everyone's taste, it's normal, but with a little skill and practice it's not difficult at all to keep the ghouls at bay and advance, as he shows "Modern ZX-Retro Gaming" in its Walkthrough video, where you finish the game with life left, time left, and having left unused weapon reloads.
This is the difference between a video published by a Gamer who solves challenges and enjoys playing, and that of a crybaby like Lair who only makes him complain and cry because he can't advance in the game.
It is my opinion.
Good! I'm glad you liked it. Although if you are playing the latest update, that is the bad ending... you would still have the game and the good ending left to see. Look at the phrase that Urok says in the ending you achieved ;-)
There are no physical copies at the moment, sorry. I don't know if there will be any later.
Thanks for reporting. It is already updated with the dialogues in English, in both the EASY TAP version and the portable one for Windows.
In the snow level you have to do several things. You may have gotten stuck trying to climb the mountain. There is a screen to the west (where you see the first frozen tree) where you have to jump from the adjacent screen on the right to reach it.
Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
And yes, depending on what you do in the game, you will get a different password. On the next tape you must move the two blocks corresponding to the first 2 letters of the password obtained at the end of the first tape. When you move the second, the blocks will be reset and it will be time to move the next two corresponding to letters 3 and 4 of the password. If everything is correct you will start playing. If not, the game is blocked and you have to restart. For the password to be accepted you can only have moved 4 blocks in total.
Try again, and if it doesn't work, send me the passwords to and I'll look at it for you. But it should work for you.
Thanks for the spread! And well, it's not an easy game for quick first games, but it's not that difficult once you master the demon. That entire first part can be passed perfectly without receiving a single hit once you know how to play. Key points:
-If something hit you once, don't come near it again. The spikes do not move.
-The demon can fly temporarily. Flying!
-If things fall from the sky, look up.
Gracias Vidaextra. Así es, la dificultad va desapareciendo a medida que se aprende a jugar y se domina al demonio, aunque en ningún momento llega a ser un juego fácil para engullir en un rato o una tarde y pasar rápidamente al siguiente. Este requiere de aprendizaje, mucha prueba y error, y volver a intentarlo hasta dominar cada zona y comenzar con la siguiente. Como eran los videojuegos en los buenos tiempos. Hay que aprender e ir mejorando en cada partida. Avanzar en un videojuego debe ser un reto, no un paseo por el campo :-) Un saludo y gracias de nuevo.
Thanks for the spread.
The flight control is fine, it is more a matter of adaptation. The demon's jump is sensitive, you can jump low or high depending on the intensity of how you press Q, just as if you press it twice the demon will fly at ground level or higher depending on how fast you press it once it jump:
If you jump high and the ceiling damages you, then the second time you jump lower or activate the faster flight to avoid crashing. It is not a game to play a quick first game, since to play it requires good control of the demon. Once controlled, this first phase of the game can be passed without receiving a single hit.
Afterwards, the game is no longer as intense. You could say that this entire first part is jump and flight training. However, an easy version will probably be uploaded, also more friendly at the beginning, for less skilled players.
Thanks for the video. Although before publishing a gameplay, it is advisable to know the basic controls of the character. In this game, as explained in the "controls" screen: if you press "up", the character jumps, and if you press it a second time during the jump, the character flies to the height where it was pressed the second time. This is essential to be able to play and advance without difficulty.
Gracias Roolandoo. Si, sabía que la velocidad de reaparición de los Gules podía llegar a ser algo estresante, especialmente en algunas situaciones como cuando se explora una zona desconocida o cuando se intenta resolver por primera vez alguno de los puzzles (que no son muchos). Una vez superada esa primera fase o ya se conoce la solución al puzzle no es muy dificil mantenerlos a raya. A este primer juego he querido darle ese toque frenético y ritmo acelerado que tenían juegos como Smash TV, Gauntlet o Ghosts'n Goblins. Tiene que haber un poco de todo :-)
Y correcto, aciertas en las dos cosas, es el primer juego que hago, y no vivo lejos de Huelva, concretamente soy de Cádiz, y suelo ir casi todos los años por tu tierra, tanto a pueblos del interior como a la costa. No hace mucho estuve por El Rompido.
He visto que eres el autor de varios juegos que tenía pendiente jugar, como Bufonada, S.O.L.O o EXO-TICAL, la verdad que todos tienen muy buena pinta, y muy buenas críticas también. No hace mucho que descubrí esta escena Spectrunera de juegos homebrew, engines, etc. Me tengo que poner al día!
Un saludo.