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A member registered Nov 09, 2023

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bought the game just cause the way it looks, but the story and act's ain't feeling right, so much text that i did not like and keep going back to the boyfriend which should've been ignored and not brought up so much, kinda reminds me of some anime where the mc liked a girl but she had a bf but was bad then broken up and mc keeps bringing ex back up, 

i think there's a bug. when i was on the map i put a shiny health token in for my power for the nurse to come see me after an event but it was glitch and all i could do was putting my last health token in the power and die

bruh i feel like its helping the mofo, guy gets loads of pills and i get handcuffs for days

ah hell nah cat fkn another cat the fk man. mofkn got cucked even by a cat. man can't catch a break with these NTR typa shiz man. 

even paid to get NTR bruv. grade A Disappointing purchase of my life man even more then when i bought clash of clans gems & clash royale gems & mobile fkn legends skins & PUBG mobile skins years ago even tho they costed more then this game combined together i'm still disappointed in this 

there a Damn way i can fish in these Damn files to remove that bloody part?. i'll even follow a step by step from a india guys youtube to find out

(1 edit)

can there be a option just to skip all this story and see all the animations instead?. and also a button to skip the talks cause i wanted to see what would happen at the first night but had to wait from all the talks

y yall hating this while other peoples do actual illegal stuffs especially to childs unlike others who stick to fictional stuffs who are 18+ as it says so its true lol and legal  

bro the fk is this azure shiet man I only have some fkn pre paid cards I use to buy everything I don’t got no bloody other cards man why can’t they accept the damn pre paid cards!!!!!!!! Fk sakes I was excited to try this but without voice it’s not even worth it since I CANT USE AZURE!!!!!!!!!

bro only way I can play is on my iPhone since I got no other shit and played it for a long time and got pass the girl name toxic or whatever the fk and I left it to play another day and got back and it’s all fkn gonezo bro I swear all that fkn progress I’m fkn flip and get a shotty barrel to the bloody face man. I swear 

Now I gotta get fkn android to download this on it. Hopefully it got the cheats so I can fkn skip my fkn marry way to where I was but I still feel like I want the barrel and lose this annoyance 

yea did you find a way cause I can’t play this game for a damn second without it crashing 

does anyone found a way to play the game on android cause I downloaded it and it can’t even bloody start man it just keeps crashing when I try start it 

I Don’t mind since it’s only 2 dollars but I at least want to play the Damn game man. I feel like I just paid for an crash simulator game

I downloaded so many different games and yet this is the one that crash’s the most and can’t even play