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Our Apartment

A game about a girl in your apartment... · By Momoiro Software, MiNT, Sacb0y

Our Apartment FAQ Sticky

A topic by Momoiro Software created Jan 09, 2021 Views: 159,996 Replies: 186
Viewing posts 1 to 99
Developer (16 edits) (+10)(-4)

Here I'll compile some frequently asked questions! This will be extended over time, feel free to ask questions in the replies!


  1. When is the "Full Game" coming out?
    1. Our Apartment will be in development for some time, the goal is the steam release in 2024. But the steam release is not the "complete" game there after there will be story updates until the story is complete.
    2. Right now you can support the game for $10, this is one-time
    3. Whenever you purchase the game you will get future updates! So effectively supporting is getting the full game eventually!
    4. Itch ONLY gets stable updates, not test or rough releases. This ensures what people have access to is playable. 
  2. The preview feels more polished than the current release, why is that?
    1. Our Apartment is a game in active development, meaning things are ever changing! The preview was designed to be complete for what it is and polished for what it is. When Our Apartment is complete that's the quality you can expect. Understand the preview is an ENTIRELY different game than the current development. It's full of things made to work in one way, one time. That code would have never worked for a full game.
    2. During development "polish" often means temporary fixes and temporary code which is wasteful work. I used to try to do this but stopped. The focus is the game being completed and giving people access to something playable in the meantime.
    3. When the steam release is done from then on updates released will only be polished releases. Cause by this point the games systems and functions will be finalized, it's just going to be content. Perhaps I'll have a dev branch or something for people to try. Understand by that point the price will likely increase.
  3. I like just having a scene viewer or only the sex sim, will Our Apartment bring that back?
    1. Perhaps, but my current plan is to continue the simpler format in a separate project. Please stay tuned for info on that.
  4. Are there plans for VR in the future?
    1. I may experiment with that as I've done some VR dev, have a Vive and have some experience. But VR dev is very troublesome, it's not likely that I would want to jump into it anytime soon not when there's so much to do already.
  5. Why should I buy on itch?
    1. If you buy on itch now you'll get the full game when it comes out and "stable" updates before then.
  6. Should I support on Patreon/SubscribeStar instead?
    1. If you want to support development and get development builds yes, along with some other benefits. Don't support if you simply want to buy the game.
  7. Why is there no PayPal option?
    1. I am banned from PayPal cause PayPal is evil, they won't give me a reason or resolution unless I sue them. Stop using paypal. There is nothing I can do.
    2. If you support on Patreon you can claim an itch key which lets you keep the game even if you cancel.


  1. Naomi suddenly is merged with male items! It's horrifying!
    1. Yes, sorry this is a bug discovered after release of the preview where save data between player and Naomi is mixed. You can fix this in two ways.
      1. Easiest is going to Outfit Presets (The category at the top) then choosing an outfit preset, this also clears any incorrect items on Naomi.
      2. Delete save data in "AppData" folder under "Momoirosoft/Our Apartment" on windows.
  2. My performance is slow!
    1. There is some light graphics settings in the settings, look for the cog wheel on the main menu. Turning off SSAO should do a lot, but there is also a low quality setting too. This will be more configurable in future versions.
  3. The game is showing me statistics and FPS info for some reason?
    1. Turn off "FPS Counter" in settings


  1. I changed the resolution or full screen mode and now the game keeps crashing?
    1. This is a bizarre bug seemingly related to DX12. The current solution is force DX11 or Vulkan mode. 
    2. To do this create a shortcut of the exe, open it's properties, and then add "-force-d3d11" to the end of the target (make sure there's a space after the parenthesis.


  1. Naomi appears to be semi transparent?
    1. Disable SSAO in the settings, there's some kind of compatibility issue there for some reason.
  2. It says the file is corrupted?
    1. Thanks to this thread, the user recommended this YouTubevideo which solved their problem. I do not understand this problem at the moment and don't exactly have the means to get a mac PC to figure out how to stop it from happening (or just build on OSX).
    2. I've shifted to doing cloud builds for OSX but it seems like if the zip file touches a windows PC ever it causes this problem. I'm not sure what to do about this yet. 


  1. I can't install the game, it gives me a ".bin" file instead of a ".apk"?
    1. This is an error within itch, I need to talk to them about it. But if you acess the download page on your phone it seems it causes the downloader to download a bin file instead of an APK. Switching your phones browser to desktop mode should solve this, or downloading from a PC. Sorry for the trouble. 
  2. The game does not make it past the logo for me!
    1. There's many potential issues for this like memory or the age of the device, sometimes random issues thats hard to predict.
    2. Commonly though devices with the top 50 mobile GPU's run the game fine. You can find the list here.
  3. The game won't install on android
    1. This is due to a 64bit requirement on some devices (mostly google devices), this required a major change which caused a lot of issues to fix. Because of this I can't roll to older versions. You'll have to wait for the next release, and a new preview release at some point. 


  1. I can't close the help menu!
    1. Yeah sorry about this, it's a red "X" at the top right, it's too close to the "Full screen" button so I think people have been missing that.

The game looks beautiful, Naomi is very cute. All the clothes look great, there is no such clothes that would not like. Are there plans for VR in the future? Thank you for the development, I wish the project to soar to the skies, good luck!=)




can you make a free no download version for xbox🤔


Don't ask for free shit unless your too poor to own an Xbox.

there is a browser version of the demo on itch now. its not the most up to date build but its a great proof of concept and xbox has edge browser

how to make money in Our Apartment?


Will there be a scene selector button so that people who have already played through the story (or just don't want to) can pick out their favorite scene without having to progress through the game?


I may work in something like that, but the "daily" structure should allow for a simple "Infinite" mode and a scene selector built into that. 

The version on "The coach" for Android still wrong, can you please update it? It says 0.2.8 but the version still on 0.2.5 on the game


I love all of the features and designs in the game, will there be anal or sex toys?


Anal and sex toys will come. 

This game is very perspective. I hope, you can finish this game =) Will there be interact with Naomi by mouse?  Example,  rub her breast... or will there be  only button interactions?


That was originally the plan actually, but i decided it would be more efficient to focus on function. "in context" buttons may come at some point. 

do you have a discord? if not will you ever make one?


Yes there is one, but I only link to it on the games title screen with the links at the bottom. I feel like having it linked publicly elsewhere would be too much.

I see that you have leather binds for the wrist and ankles, are you adding bondage to the game or is this just for looks?


I do plan for some actual bandage, but nothing particularly hard core. 

(1 edit) (-2)

ima be completely honest, if u mean hard core bondage, read the bible bc u need Jesus XD


no i dont mean that edavid

(1 edit)

Now ima be honest too: hogtying and gaging is fine but i personally find hooded rubber suits that bind your arms and legs together at your sides disturbing. (and if i discover someone who likes scat   and find thats  a real thing  i will turn my back on humanity but thats just me though)


will the game still be Updated on when the game gets released on Steam?

Because i purchased it here but i cant purchase it on Steam because i live in Germany and the German Steam site blocks games like this. 


Updates will always align as much as possible besides any mild development issues. 

I dont know if this is the right place for this but would you guys mind putting the Paypal payment option?

I tried using my card I always declines it for no real reason


Sorry paypal banned me, consider buying the recent bundle! I think paypal works with that. 

Otherwise the game will be on steam soon!


I like your game very much. Will you add a function to completely hide men in the future?


For now you can hide the body, keeping hands and dick visible. Any more may cause some visual oddness, but I may add the option for that.


Hi! I have a similar post to what I'm about to ask, so feel free to check it out! Will the demo version be available for free on Android? As much as I'd love to donate and support, I can't purchase anything as it is currently on US dollars, so I don't know how to transact internationally yet.

P. S. I am a big fan of Our Apartment, so please keep up the great work! And if y'all need a dialogue maker, please I'd love to contribute my linguistic skills to this game, and apply more dialogues for Naomi & the player. I love you, Momo!!!

Yes you can get it on android


do you only have to pay once?


That is the intent, I'll figure something out if it doesn't work that way as the price will increase after a certain release. 

I downloaded the android version and it stuck on logo what should I do? 


I have a theory these issues are mostly related to memory on devices and most of this memory use stems from outfit customization. Higher end phones don't have this issue as frequently. 

unfortunately you'll probably have to wait until i completely  rewrite the customization system for better memory management. 


Hello, how do I switch the resolution setting of the Android version?

He runs 720*720 resolution by default on my phone, and the image looks distorted


Yes sorry some older phones don't give the game the phone resolution properly, causing this error cause the math it uses is incorrect. I may return to that version of the game to fix it eventually. But the way i implemented resolution was the best i could figure out at the time.I should have made some kind of failsafe but i'd need a test device with the problem to know if it works.

In the future though i plan to just have straight up resolution selection.


Thanks for the prompt reply,and it's awesome to see that you've been updating the game for so long to make it better.

Deleted 2 years ago

haha thanks XD

Are there any plans for more furry/monster options for the player? I like the dick options and color presets, and think maybe a head could add onto it, or maybe even just an accessory for ears. Good stuff so far.


yes, it got placed on the back burner for a while but it will come.

I downloaded a WIP version and.. I can't save anything(but main menu has a "load"(gray/inactive) option), I have only 4 option in Daily-mode, 2 scene of sex etc.

It's ok(because in develepment) or something wrong? Actually, I think demo-version is more comfortable.

Developer (3 edits)

Yes, that is very much just the state of the game at the moment. The preview was designed to feel complete and functional on it's own. In due time the final game will regain that feel, but right now things change so much it's simply not possible to obtain that "comfortable" feel.

It will be like this for some time, at least until the steam release, as I won't make that release until it reaches the same "comfort" as the preview. I do not have an explicit date for this. 

Look forward to many updates though!


Oh, it's ok.

I hope you finish this project. 

Actually, I think Our Apartment is the best project in janre. Also him size so small - less then 1G(AI Syoujyo about 50-80GB :c), and he has a build for almost all platforms. That's really cool.


Haha thanks! The size is partly cause I put a big emphasis on compression since releases are so frequent. Things will naturally get larger with time but hopefully not too large! XD

What is the name of the show that I model your characters on?

You mean software? Blender. 


is there or will there be a futa option


Hmm, there might be a female option of the male avatar but thats about it as far as plans. 

oh ok

just downloaded the latest version and i continue to be fascinated; absolutely gorgeous and satisfying.

I would love an option to watch Naomi get dressed and undressed—i mean, like actual animated actions of her putting on a selected shirt or changing into a selected dress, or just undressing and wrapping on a towel.

i totally appreciate the amount of work this implies, but it could be a killer add; i've not encountered another game that offers "watch character get dressed," and i would pay 10x over again for the option.

(It might just be me... but, honestly, the internet has taught me that i don't have a single unique fetish at all. so.)


That would be quite complicated for a 3D game, it's a big maybe. 

[Android][Donation Build][1.1.j]

It is impossible to confirm entered player name. 

Use OK button…? nope.

Use Done key…? nope.

Use a third party keyboard that has a Return\Enter key even when using the name input text box…? nope.

Works fine on the Windows version, though… but I rarely get PC time aside from streaming…


Oh? Hm, interesting, I wasn't aware of this problem. I'll look into it. Probably add a physical submit button

That'd be appreciated.

I also suggest moving it closer to the dialogue box. I missed it the first time, because I saw the arrow next to the dialogue box (as my visual focus was on the dialogue region) and assumed that the input would appear after clicking. Not as big a deal, I think.

I have no idea how to save. I haven't played on PC since my last time (limited PC access), so I'm hoping it auto saves. If it does, it'd be nice for the game to say so; and if it doesn't, it should be easier to find the save button\menu.

Those complaints aside; will it support mods in the future, to allow people who can model\rig to create and add custom clothing — or at least let artists to add new clothes that use the existing models but use new textures? I'm asking mostly out of curiousity; I'd use clothing\race (race; like the included werewolf) mods if they were supported, but there's already a ton of clothes options and it's likely I'll usually strip her anyway.

Speaking of; is there a way to encourage her to wear specific clothing (or be nude) most\all of the time?

The game is very cool, I play it on Android. But there are weaknesses with optimization and little content (few poses, few scenes, no clothes for my character, and much more). When is the next update??? I play on Poco X3 Pro. I really hope that you will not abandon the game and will develop it.


A major content update is soon, the game was recently remade so much work needs to be done. Please read devlogs for more info on development status. 

Will there be a way to transfer my purchase over to steam? It would be a lot easier for me to get updates that way over constantly coming and checking for one.


I'm not sure if i can support that option, but you can use the itch launcher for automatic updates. 

samsung note 10 + android 11 seems to load once, but any changes to settings causes crash and wont load past loading screen after. Uninstalled, reinstalled, no issues until change settings again. Just keeping you aware of potential issues 

Hello, I am starting in the world of conceptual art professionally and I was wondering if it is possible to work with you

will the fishnet ever be fixed? like when you put it on her in the customization area the texture looks strange and kinda like I'm looking at a high def image and some guy put it in photoshop and just put a low quality image of fish nets on her legs and isn't really appealing to look at in the customization. of course, I know absolutely nothing about 3D textures, or how they act, what problems they have, or what's causing the problem, or if it can even be fixed, or making a game for that matter. so take this with a pound of salt. (also pls add pantyhose, heels, and white button down shirt, that's all I need for a teacher outfit)


I'll look at stuff like this again soon, the issue depends on if it's PC or mobile, they handle these things differently and it's troublesome.

Is there a button that i can hide male character ? i dont want to see dick

Hey, hello. I have a question about the update. Are you going to update on android? How soon? We are really looking forward to it. Thanks in advance for your answer)))


I'm trying to get it out asap but a bug with an asset has delayed it and I can pretty much only wait on a fix :(Else the android release would have been out only a few days after your post :(

(1 edit)

Hello. I have a question about the game. It will become free or will it cost all the time ?

And one more question. If I buy the game I will get free updates and finally the whole game for free?

I understand the save function in the Donation Build is not functional at this time and it may not be for awhile... However... could we at least get the ability to save a default outfit for Naomi? Its a bit annoying every time you load the game she starts out buck naked and you have to redo her default costume. And with the bugs causing the user to have to exit and relaunch the game to clear, yeah, it gets really really annoying.


Next update will have this and more!

Why can't I save the game on Mac? Kinda annoying to start over and over every time I play.


Next update will have saving!

I've been following this game for a while now, and I just realized that there is a page for it on Steam. I haven't donated to the creators here on Itch yet, but I do plan on it. One thing though, I prefer to have all my games on Steam, just to keep them on one library, so I don't have to go all over the place to play a game. So, would the supporters for this game receive a Steam key for it, or would we have to purchase it again?


I can't give an answer for this yet. Depends on some factors. I would recommend waiting if this is what you want. Updates soon will give a better picture. 

Alright. Thank you so much!

Hi I have the game on PC and it shows an option for "Grope" and "Hold" that I cannot click anything in drop-down menu. There's also a "Position" selection that I can use in one spot but the others won't let me do anything. Is this just due to the game needing more development or am I not doing something correctly?

Your doing everything fine, That's just the limit of the content. Those feature will be added, removed, or changed depending on the next update. I really hope that its soon.  These guys do fantastic work and I'm proud to be a supporter. please consider donating  to help them reach the next update.

When can supporters expect another update?


I'm doing my best, but next update will be much larger than normal.


Made a donation, doing my part. 


Thank you!

(1 edit)

How do I allocate more memory to the game? I try to give it 8192 but that didn't work because I can clearly tell the game is getting laggy after putting higher quality settings. I check the fps counter and nothing would change as I give more or less ram. This should not be a problem because I have 32gb of ram, nvidia geforce  gtx 1650, and amd ryzen 5 2600 six core. Should I screenshot what the fps counter shows?


Allocating more memory shouldn't be necessary? Please provide a screenshot of the FPS counter. 

Lag from higher quality modes may largely be due to the "additonal light shadows" setting, this mode is extremely intensive and may need to be toggled after setting quality mode. It may also be due to SSAO at higher resolutions, it depends. 

I don't know a lot about computer specs but I'm pretty sure I'm qualified for higher settings. My objective here is to know whether or not I really am adding more ram.


Oh i see, at that point it really is just up to the game, "Adding more ram" is increasing texture memory restrictions. It has the ram it should need.  I'm not sure what would make it feel laggy tbh.

I'm not sure the texture memory exceeds the 4gb you have.

So this ram I'm adding is not to increase fps? I put on max settings in the game and I could not figure out how to increase my fps from 17 to 70 (what it was before). I guess by "up to the game" means I can't do anything about it. I checked task manager before all this troubleshooting and I felt confident saying "I'm qualified for higher settings" because my cpu and memory weren't at all close to 50%.

Another thing that I noticed is that the reset button does not work for me and I can't tell if the apply button works (in the settings). Are you guys still working on those functions?

I'm not worried about this problem as much as possibly wasting your time but I appreciate the effort here :)

I can't wait to update when.

I have a small question: If i got the game on itch, will the full release be on itch too, also does that extend to people who got it when getting it for free was possible?
awaiting your response eagerly,


if you buy the game now you get the full version on release, free users never functionally had access to this.

i "bought" the game during the stage at which it was free (you could choose to pay 0-20$ and above), and yet it counts as a part of my library is where i "bought" it, so will the version here be the full version?

sorry if this is a dumb question, i just loved the game so i'd like to know.


yes if it's in your library it includes the full game. 


Im on the newest windows version, for some reason the POV cam isnt working.

same. not sure why. When I press POV it the screen position just freezes. Quite a bummer, the POV was well made when it worked before

(1 edit)

I played in game 2 weeks story mode but Naomi can't cum. Just first day, next day she's comming 2-3% and nothing. I could skip it for the next 2-3 day same probleme. Why???

(1 edit)

any feature coming song ? People still’ waiting for a year

Will there be an option to alter Naomi's Breast and Thighs to make them bigger, or her height to make her taller

(Btw Just bought the game, and i hope it does really well)


Not likely, thats not the intent. But there will still be a lot of customization options. Some things may come as a bonus though.

I bought the game but most of the features that are said to be in the game are not available. Things like groping and such. What is up with that?

i had the same thing. and i cant save so it sucks because i have to start over every time.

hello i love the game and have played the free version of it for a while but after purchasing there dose not seem to be too much that i have unlocked. also maybe im just not understanding it right but is the story mode just ever revolving of the same 3 sex positions? because the 3 buttons on the bottom of the screen  dont even work for me (grope, position, hold, etc). also sorry for all the talk but i just wanted to say this in one go but the save feature dosnt work for my pc or mobile and lastly on mobile it dosnt make the heart meter go up or if it does go up it will take way too long. i left the game on my phone for an hour and it only went up to like 70%. i love the game but i just need to know if its me or if it could be the game itself.


These issues will be fixed in the next major update.

Current versions represent the basic game loop but not the real game. 

Arousal issues is because I keep releasing partial features, next release will have the full feature set.

I'm working as fast as possible to get the new update out, but this is still mostly a one person project.

oh okay. Thank you for the update. Also that's amazing what you've been able to accomplish with the game. Best of luck and have a good day.

Hello, amazing game

I bought the 10 dollar version on the page and the game looks beautiful although I know they will continue to improve, but I have a question, I can't save the game, I can't modify the look, nor the body of the girl, just I can use three positions and I see some options that appear there but when I go to activate them, they just don't work, can you tell me what is happening?
Developer (1 edit)

A major update is around the corner adding new content and features like saving and outfit saving.

Are you saying accessing dress up doesn't work? You should be able to changes Naomis outfit.

Also there are 5 positions not 3, two positions have alternate positions.

windows 10 machine, and i cannot click on any buttons on the main menu, at all. is there a fix?

how do I get the update file when it comes out. I bought the version of it.


itch version will update or auto update if you have the itch launcher. 

i am to the game. Could you please tell me how to progress the story? If there is a way in the current version that is.


Story update is in a few months. 

Will the game be free when released or will $10 be the final price or will it change?

Deleted 1 year ago

The game will cost more when it releases, people pay a discount now for their patience. 

i cant seem to rotate the camera  on pc am i missing somthing


If I play Our Apartment Game and post gameplay videos in xHamster then can I monetize my content? 

Developer (1 edit)

I don't really care. Do link back to here though.

Bought it but doesnt work. Macbook Pro to run it. Naomi is see through completely so you dont see anything as it should be, the game stutters, setting pane is slow and it immediately overcharges the cpu. what to do?

Developer (1 edit)

added an FAQ for that, but the solution is to turn off SSAO, it seems it's broken in OSX

Also enable Vsync or FPS limit or prevent overtaxing hardware

I've already paid 10$ on itch for it. Would I get the latest update file or will I have to pay more later on down the line. Is there a new update yet? I bought it about 4 months ago now


As the FAQ says updates you get the full game, and stable early builds. sorry it's slow.


Update itch version?  @lazyboy

Are you stillworking on the game, cuz I donated and I thought that I'd get a change in the game but it's the exact same to the demo ;-;-;


If you join the discord (link in the game) you can see development updates as they're finished. I work on this full time but some things just take a while. 

Wardrobe update when? Like pantyhoses, bunny outfits etc

Any new updates??! I've been following this project since last year being probably the only sex sim I've ever played but an awesome one! This game seriously has potential, seeing it on my Steam wishlist every day I just had to know.

Best wishes to the dev team!


I'll make some announcements soon.

This is Amazing is this still in development?


Yes, check patreon or subscribe star for more frequent dev updates. Current update is just taking a while.

(1 edit) (+2)

Sweet, thank you so much. I do really appreciate it, I was only asking because I noticed that the prior updates were all a year apart and this last one had two years on it. I purchased the demo and the other beta version I think, sorry I'm not up today with the lingo. I was just making sure it was still happening no rushing I promise thank you.

(4 edits)

This game seems very promising.

What's the music that plays in the menu? I want to listen to it on it's own it's a bop

Could we also expect to see more player customization so that he isn't just a blank model with a face? And also how do you make Naomi cum, since it takes forever to fill up her pleasure meter.


hey, is it normal that you can't pet head, hold arms, etc. in 0.28 ?

May sound like im down bad, but how do you remove the censor effect?

I'm a bit confused. How do I progress in this? I bought the full version, but the only options I see available each day are sex and take photos. Even during sex only grind, move, and entry seem to work. Is this right?

Dude I have the same issue!!!

So, I just bought this today, and it has several issues, I am not able to save, its very buggy, it literally has only like 1 position to do per "turn" and it very much feels incomplete It advances day by day but it always repeats the same dialogue and she only switches  locations from couch to kitchen. However when I visited the website for the creator of the game it shows a very different gameplay and screenshots and they seem to be keeping up with updates and there something wrong with my download? How can I get help?

As I understand it, the vast majority of the updates are going to patreon supporters first in the form of experimental and rough builds, and we who paid for it will be getting the more public builds; in practice, we are stuck on 0.2.7 and patreon is on 0.4.4 or something. I am confident that one day we will get one of said public builds, but it has been a long, long time.

is there an ETA on the next public build, or is it more of a "its done when its done" sort of situation?

(1 edit)

hello, I am using the 2.7v of Our appartment, playing it on android (Samsung fold 4) currently it runs extremely well, has no crashed even on max, the game is honesty fun. Acc to the point I didn't even think of it as a game meant for (You know) however I need to know, some options can't be turned off  first of all, the light on face option is always on (can't turn it off) some buttons don't work, and the poses, there is different poses like holding the breast or other stuff but they aren't available I guess? Like I press on them but it doesn't do anything, I don't know if it's a problem whit my device or they are locked. Or you just haven't finished adding them (honestly I just want an answer as to why some things are stuck on. Oh also please add back the first person POV, I used to connect the quest to my fold to play it like. VR in a way. But that option is not available anymore and it's replaced by a lock camera option. Anyway. Game is brilliant. I hope in the future it will develop into a more girlfriend simulator than sex simulator cuz honestly. It's way to fun. 8/10 will eagerly wait for full release. If it will come one day.

it is over a year and half from the last stable update, is it dead?


I probably wouldn't call this project dead as it appears that they are active on their Subscribestar account. With a post about the game on July 16 of this year. It seams likely that they are putting more effort on their monthly subscribers then the ones who paid for the game here. Which is very frustrating!

When will the next update be posted here?


do we have any kind of eta on when the game will come out?  within 2023 or something?


An update will come before the end of the year that's for certain. 

i want to buy the game. But i dont know why my CC is declined. Any help please?


Update Version of the game for once

The most recent release, for windows, is dated Jan of 2022. Is this the most up to date, or am I missing something? Not being a smart ass, real question. If I'm missing it will you please send a link or details. I've been looking. The original download worked great, then all of the sudden the free cam. stopped working. I've done what I can so I figured I must need a more up to date DL if there is in fact one available. Thanks, CH

(1 edit)

I also cannot move the camera in free mode anymore, do not know why. Love the game though, so I'm looking forward to release even if it doesn't get a new release on itch before ^^.

when it will be available on Steam?? I can't pay with my credit card 'cause of my location, so i wanted to know.

Is this game have Anal content?

if I buy it on itch now will I get the full version on steam when the game is out ?

Game is still being worked on

Deleted post

Will the game still be released?

i'm having a maybe issue with the current version where all entities (player and naomi) are spawning below the house is this supposed to happen?

Hello! I bought the donations build. I've been trying to install it for about 30 minutes now and it won't open. It either says the unity dll file or a mono file is missing.


For some people the download corrupts somehow. I don't really know what to do about this tbh. I assume you have to contact itch support. 

Helloo momoiro software.

 I have played the demo and found the game to a liking with its art style, customization, replayability, and freedom you have Givin the players and due to this iam willing to pay full price for the game if not even more to help support its development. but i seem to have ran into an ussue. I believe my problem is my country currency (which is canada) and the needed requirements of $10 usd (which i dont have). Iam very new to and is unsure about the multiple payment methods that are available to purchase the game but due to this iam unable to buy said game. Now i heard u dislike the use of paypal so im not here to suggest that but iam here to ask for another payment method if possible so me and many more are able to purchase the game with out the need of converting monies. and I understand if this might not be possible for whatever reason but I thank you for your time and patience to read this message.



it's not just that I don't like paypal but I'm also banned. 

Unless itch adds some solutions there's nothing I can really do. Consider just waiting for the steam release. This is the current focus right now. 

Ah. I see, ill just wait on it that's fine. Good luck with yr game development 👍 

is this game coming out to steam still? It's been a really long time.

is this game playable on steam deck  


Yes but not at max settings. Be sure to turn off SSGI especially.

In the future I'll include a dedicated Steam Deck setting

do i download the linux file or windows


windows if you want a newer version, people have had very few issues with proton.

no me dega entrar a entrar al juego me bota al iniciar una  partida 

Hallo. Im new :D and i  downloaded the windows version, and when i need to put the name of the player the game crashes. I dont know what to do


Crashes how?

When I try to name the player it crashes, the game closes

Will there be pregnancy content? I did notice a description of one of the womb tattoos mentioning fertilization


It's a key part of the games story, though the form it takes is more impregnation than pregnancy atm.

Is there any foot fetish content in the game?


There may be some mild stuff in the future but none any time soon. 

Discord link dosent work, Second fun game to play when every update comes out do i have to redownload it everytime?


The discord link in game? I'll look into this. 

Also no you shouldn't you should be able to re-download or auto update if you use the launcher. 

Just don't lose your account. 

which control mode should i use for steam deck


An official steamdeck control mode will come probably after the next release. 

At I don't have a reccomendation. I reccomend making a separate thread or asking on the discord cause I know many people have been playing on steamdeck. 

3 years ago (12 edits) (+7)(-4)

Here I'll compile some frequently asked questions! This will be extended over time, feel free to ask questions in the replies!


  1. When is the "Full Game" coming out?
    1. Our Apartment will be in development for some time, but the goal is no more than a year. 

Game development is always harder than you think. 😩

I should update that tho...

(1 edit)

Hi, I purchased the game here on Every time I download the MAC download, it won't open on my computer saying that it is corrupt and I must trash it. I've downloaded it a few times and each time it is the same result. I don't know if it's because the file is from or if something else is wrong. If you could please advise, I'd appreciate it.



There is already an answer for this, check the link in it. 

I appreciate it, I figured it out! Thanks

Hi, I've been having the same troubles with the game too where it's saying its corrupted and i should throw it away, how did you figure out how to open it???


Read the section on OSX

Well i buy the game and it crashes on android... Want my money back

bought the game just cause the way it looks, but the story and act's ain't feeling right, so much text that i did not like and keep going back to the boyfriend which should've been ignored and not brought up so much, kinda reminds me of some anime where the mc liked a girl but she had a bf but was bad then broken up and mc keeps bringing ex back up, 


Story will have more cinematics and visuals later. Ex comes up less over time.

yay more story development

(1 edit)

where to find patch notes?


I post on the blog here when there is an update, smaller updates I posed on subscribestar or patreon but those don't usually reach here. Only stable updates show here. 

Question for the Full Release on Steam:
I am pretty sure this game will not release in my country on Steam due to Steam not wanting to implement an ID identification (Im from Germany) are there any plans to make it purchasable outside of steam to get an steam key?

Hello, can you tell me how to remove the background in version 0.5.2 of the game, and is it possible to remove it as in earlier versions of the game?

Man everyone saying the game looks incredible but I have 12 GB of RAM on my Galaxy S22 Ultra running it on 1440p and it looks like complete shit 😭 Gotta be some compatibility issue somewhere but man the buttons don't work, everything is choppy, some displays are automatically open.