Well, the main idea was a timer and the floor going out to let the player die but 5 minutes before submitting a bug that stops the timer when the floor goes out appeared and I had no more time to fix it :(. After the results next friday I will upload the fixed version of the game. Thanks for your reply!
Tato Marinelli
Creator of
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Hello I'm Tato from Argentina, 22 years old and right now studying Software Engineering.
I've been doing little things in Unity for the last seven months and programming in general for the last 2 years. I really want to do a great work, i'm terrible at art but i manage well at programming, if you want to join me it would be great, I also have knowledge in music composition and recording.
If you are a Designer (2D or 3D) or a programmer with art skills just DM me in Discord: H4RD Tato#2863
Thank you!
Hey i'm Tato from Argentina, 22 years old and right now studying Software Engineering. I've been doing little things in Unity for the last seven months and programming in general for the last 2 years. I really want to do a great work, i'm terrible at art but i manage well at programming, if you want to join me it would be great.
Thank you,
EDIT: I've knowledge in music composition and recording, my best friend could do a really good work with music, too.