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A member registered Mar 10, 2019

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Definitely glitch related, my leg I grew back, is now gone. It's not listed in my inventory or on my character sheet, but my stats are the same as if I had the leg and was still wearing my adrenal jet boot. No idea if enemies can hit my "phantom" leg, but uhh. Definitely glitched.

Might be a glitch, might be intentional, but if you replace a limb, you can't replace it again or reattach it if you are delimbed. You can grow the limb back with Salmaris(which will grow the version you replaced it with instead of the original).

So if you replace a limb with a peg version your stuck with the peg version forever.

Awesome update, shame about attachable limbs, but some things are necessary. Thanks for responding to me earlier, meant to say "I never said anything previously". 

I never seen anything but I really like the game and I appreciate the update today. What was changed?

Excellent to hear. May I ask where are the other sites you frequent for bug reports and the like? It would help so I can avoid reporting the same issue that's already been thouroughly covered/reported.

Party corpses will often not spawn properly after their deaths. 

Such as if they die from starvation, there corpse will not spawn.

Samarie(Dismorphia) has the Janitor's voice lines if you talk to her in combat.

It's a weird glitch. By using heroine I can trigger the black screen. If I start combat and win, my screen will no longer be black, but the party is invisible and I can't open my menu.

However this isn't the only way I've found to make the party invisible, sometimes just fighting enemies inside the old city will trigger the invisible party glitch. I haven't found a way to fix the invisible party glitch personally.

Bobbies can be perma-killed quite easily. Those two bobbies are just glitched that when they die their head is removed. I won't spoil how to kill Bobbies since it's quite the experience repeatedly killing the same Bobbies before they finally wear you down and kill you, repeatedly, to figure out their every weakness. Though I will inform you about one weakness/strength. 

Bobbies heads are not vulnerable in combat unless both the legs are destroyed and you've used the talk action to ask them why the law is in effect and that they serve and protect the people. 

After doing that the head will be vulnerable to attacks but it won't display the vulnerable mark when it's vulnerable.

You can sacrifice anyone without needing affinity with Gro-Goroth in the intro and thereby aquire bloodmagic.

Though if you don't want to sacrifice anyone, and you only want necromancy you can start as Marina and choose blood magic as your specialty. 

You also simply do not see the power of Black Kalev. He casually kills even powerful opponents with a single strike and will only make the most optimal of attacks during a battle, without needing any player input. No wonder he leaves your party when you consider him to be worst than ghouls.

(3 edits)

Okay managed to complete the demo. Pretty damn nice and honestly, it's WAY longer than I expected a demo to be. At most I thought a demo would go until the city entrance, so I'm very pleasantly surprised. 

The new armor/defense/accessory system was probably heavily needed, first game has far too many accessories so older ones become redundent and the armor rating in the previous game could go incredibly high and it was hard to grasp how strong your defense rating really was. Though I would say this game needs alot more accesories than it has, even in my final run I only had 2 accessories, one of which the quest reward.

Now I feel compelled to ask is if "Black Kalev of Darkness the Indomitable Assassin"  will be involved in one of the endings. He's simply a far too powerful and legendary to be relegated to a simple side character to the player. (also will he have a special ability/use in the otherworld like how he meets the player?)

I'm greatly enjoyed this game so far, great atmosphere and difficulty pacing. Playable characters are all good except for Levi honestly, for the other characters you can see there personality through there interactions with the player, but Levi doesn't have much in this build, shame since it's hard to understand much about him except that's he reclusive/withdrawn. 

(9 edits)

Sometimes you will get nothing from a chest despite a correct coin flip.

You will sometimes get nothing from barrels(uncertain if crates/shelves are affected).

Sometimes being killed by the Woodsman will cause an error which softlocks the game, forcing you to close the application.

Sometimes when you enter combat, all the character models will flicker until combat is over(only has happened while with companions, I was Doctor, had Engineer and Goat).

Edit: While in combat, some abilities that cost sanity in are darkened out, as if they're unusable despite being usable.

Edit2: The sickle wielding villager inside the derelect house is trapped on the otherside of the table due to space he spawns in being solid. If you walk to them to fight and kill them, you cannot interact with their corpse afterwards.

Edit3: The woodsman will not walk over boobytraps(this is weird since he walked over boobytraps before in an earlier version, it might have something to do with boobytrapping the porch[a 1x1 walkway])

Edit 4/5: Looks like the woodsman, and headless dogs avoid boobytraps, but all other enemies walk over them. 

Edit 6: Sometimes after loading a save, all character names will be darkened if displayed in chat or viewed in the menu. When this is happening you cannot use items or skills inside the menu on the overworld. This glitch does not always occur when loading saves, got it by saving in the bed in the mansion. Did not occur the first three times or sixth time I loaded this save, but did occur the fourth and fifth times I loaded it.

Edit 7: If a party member is killed by a Bobby and you win the fight you might re-enter the world map and your whole party will be invisible. You cannot open your menu, but otherwise gameplay is normal.