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(9 edits) (+1)

Sometimes you will get nothing from a chest despite a correct coin flip.

You will sometimes get nothing from barrels(uncertain if crates/shelves are affected).

Sometimes being killed by the Woodsman will cause an error which softlocks the game, forcing you to close the application.

Sometimes when you enter combat, all the character models will flicker until combat is over(only has happened while with companions, I was Doctor, had Engineer and Goat).

Edit: While in combat, some abilities that cost sanity in are darkened out, as if they're unusable despite being usable.

Edit2: The sickle wielding villager inside the derelect house is trapped on the otherside of the table due to space he spawns in being solid. If you walk to them to fight and kill them, you cannot interact with their corpse afterwards.

Edit3: The woodsman will not walk over boobytraps(this is weird since he walked over boobytraps before in an earlier version, it might have something to do with boobytrapping the porch[a 1x1 walkway])

Edit 4/5: Looks like the woodsman, and headless dogs avoid boobytraps, but all other enemies walk over them. 

Edit 6: Sometimes after loading a save, all character names will be darkened if displayed in chat or viewed in the menu. When this is happening you cannot use items or skills inside the menu on the overworld. This glitch does not always occur when loading saves, got it by saving in the bed in the mansion. Did not occur the first three times or sixth time I loaded this save, but did occur the fourth and fifth times I loaded it.

Edit 7: If a party member is killed by a Bobby and you win the fight you might re-enter the world map and your whole party will be invisible. You cannot open your menu, but otherwise gameplay is normal.

(1 edit)

--Darkened abilities either don't meet the requirements (for example forgetting to equip the wrench on the mechanic for the wrench throw) or they are supposed to be used on the field, out of combat
--From my experience, 95% of the time enemies avoided traps (even bear traps) and if the passage was too tight and only 1 tile wide, they would stop moving altogether. Orange said this is not intended so it's kinda creepy. I noticed that if they are far when you palce the trap, it's more likely they will walk over it. 
-- When all items have "use" grayed out, closing the application altogether and restarting the game fixed for me. It only happened once to me.

Thanks for reporting back with the bugs. There are few here that I haven't heard of before. I'll look into those!