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A member registered Feb 01, 2016 · View creator page →

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Really enjoyed this one, some feedback:

On my first play, I found no equipment and was generally confusing on how to loot corpses

Bumping to enemies should really auto attack (at least with meelee). Died because of that on my second play through

On my third play through I think game bugged or I enabled a debug thing. I died but I was still able to continue playing. My player sprite was % and enemies was ignoring me but I was able to kill them.
I found maps to a boss but I was not able to go there. Maybe it was because I was dead. Eventually I got bored and restarted game.

In objective, it was saying "find mission objective" in red although I already found the map.

I tried it a couple more times but I died easily to zerglings on one and marines to in other. Game really feels unfair at the beginning unless I am missing something.

I will play it again tomorrow and will try to finish it.

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There was a person that couldn't run the game (it was crashing at the start). If you are reading I updated the binaries, this can you give it another try? I am not sure if it is fixed but if it is not, there should be new logs now that can help me.

Oh, that looks bad. It looks like something is spiking but I have no idea what :S Never saw that one before.

I think I fixed the options issue now, thanks for reporting that.

(1 edit)

Hello everyone!

I finally released my first indie game to the public. Bloodworks is a free top-down survival shooter that you try to survive against an endless amount of enemies (you don't).

Development still continues, there are performance problems I am trying to fix and more game content will be added in future.

I would appreciate it if you can give it a try and give feedback!

Game is available on Steam as well, and steam workshop is integrated. Give mods a try as well!

Here is the trailer

My last entry with this game to agdg demo day. The game is released on steam and this week but I will be still working on it for a while.

Feedback is appreciated! If it runs slow, please mention your GPU/CPU and if it is a specific case or not (while firing a specific gun etc)

And if you enjoyed it, please drop a comment on or steam!

Comments are appreciated! I want to improve the gameplay, buff the early game challenge and make end game not as unfair!

I can tone the monster count a bit, but increase their speeds, which would solve kiting problems probably?

Different types of bosses also could add variety. I already buffed boss spawn rate a bit and found a bug with monsters not actually actively targeting player which is an improvement I suppose.

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I want to improve the gameplay but don't have any good idea. I should check similar games and see how they work.

Can I ask how the game performed on your laptop? Was there any slowdowns?

Oh, tried it again and now it makes more sense.

Nah, I mean it just mutes the music. not the bullet sounds

Collision is a bit too hard, you shouldn't stuck to small things such as trees or flags.

I didn't like the way to attack.

Nice graphics, charging magic attack is pointless since I can just spam it instead if I have the time.

I don't think you need pdb files to run the game, they are for debug

On third screen or so, I went into a mech then couldn't do couldn't go further in the game. is that all?

Otherwise nice for a demo. Liked the artstyle

Your game made me jelous that I didn't go for pixelated graphics :(

Maybe it is me playing my game too much but your cross hair does not move with you (sticks to the ground) which was weirder and made things complicated. Especially on the edges of the screen, this just fıcks my aiming too much. But that might be just me

It is kinda hard those gray mechanical enemies on first level.

You can just farm score on every spawning enemies. This makes high-score thing a bit pointless.

The game ends on the bonus stage, is this because of the demo?

Game is just hard on your first playthrough, it is trivial when you figured out algorithm to beat enemies or specific rooms. Only real danger is you getting bored and trying to end things quickly

I didn't like the checkpoint system.  as soon as you get damaged, it is really hard to fill your health back and being able to place a check point. my general game play was to suicide when I get hit because there was no point in continuing any more since I will probably die before I am able to put another checkpoint.

I found a chest but couldn't open it. Then found an door that I can't open and stuck :(

Well, jumping (space) does not work, I binded it to another key and it started working.

It is funny how the first thing that tutorial teaches you is exiting the tutorial.

The controls are a bit too much for me, I will give this one another go when I have my controller

Enemies are much more durable than I am, it gets unfair really quickly when a couple spawns next to each other.

And grenade can't really hit air.

mute is not muting enough :(

Otherwise, it is quite simple for now. Hit animations would be nice

First fight was easy, spam any attack button and you win.

sonic was quite glitchy for me. my character was out of screen most of the time. I was able to start my ultimate combo (spam q or w) but then sonic started comboed me to the outside of screen, which felt unfair

I don't get it

>For the bug; Did she stick to a sheer wall or a ledge? She does grab ledges, and I've had a few people tell me that's a bug. When it's not, it is intentional.

Oh, my bad. She is grabbing the ledges, I thought it was a bug

The enemies are not a problem unless they have the ranged attack (and maybe the winged ones), you just spam attack and nothing can really approach you.

Game is a bit too easy at this point, it is pretty much impossible to die as long as you move.

ui is not working well if you run game on 1280x720

Loved the models. Game is a bit too hard and not good kind of hard.

Then I figured out if you run, you can outrun wolves and their reaction time makes it possible run away from them Then it was easy :)

What screen resolution and OS are you using? You might be able to fix that by alt-entering and turing on v-sync before going into full screen.

1920x1080 and windows 10.

As long as I don't press apply changes, it works fine. the fullscreen is toggled correctly. But pressing apply changes makes it go black. Game still runs (when I press x, it toggles back to windowed mode) changing vsync didn't help and alt enter works same as toggling.

Even first pressing "apply changes" and then toggling fullscreen on makes it black. Whatever apply changes is doing breaks my full screen.

I first tried to control it with mouse and it was impossible. it is too slow to rotate it, then I noticed I can also use ad keys.

I don't know what I am doing in this game :(, I am controlling a red rectangle that does nothing. I can't bounce back the astroid,  is this a bug?

Was fun! I love this genre. I felt the gradius (one of my favorite titles on nintendo) feeling which was cool

Is changing speed really necessary? Didn't find it useful and would only complicate things.

Homing gun is quite strong compared to rest, although it acts weird at some points

Screen went black after I toggle full screen and press save.

Spikes are too hard to see, stones that falls from outside of screen are not fun. 

I found the waterfalls a bit annoying, would suggest reducing their effects but maybe it is just me.

Game window is very small in the beginning and it is kinda hard to make it full screen without being able to see your mouse.

Other than these problems, it was fun! I will be looking forward for you to add more content.

One bug I noticed: sometimes your character sticks to walls. I don't think this is intentional, right?

The person that got a crash on launch and sent me a report, can you please download and try running it again? It was a shader issue (shader version was too high for your drivers, reduced it further). And thanks for the report!

(2 edits)

    > First of all, the UI is drab and barely noticeable, for a solid minute i thought there's no Health/XP bar.

should handle better scaling ui better for higher resolutions. do you play on 1920x1080?

    >The crosshair is leashed on some weird distance from the playr and it makes you feel like you have no control over it.

There is an option to disable that, it is enabled by default. I thought that would be a good way to balance weapons (some wapons allow you to aim further) but I guess it is a crap feature.

    >Monsters just aimlessly wander around, and the normal gamemode just spawned a bunch of them, instead of making them slowly appear and fill the screen.
    >The item drops were scarce and weapons should drop faster if you still hold on to the pistol.

Some of them are random (only follow player withing a certain threshold) and others try to follow player regardless of distance. I guess I can increase the distance but things get a lot harder when more monsters are tring to follow you from all directions.
New monsters also spawns as time goes on and it spawns boss monsters in intervals. I tried to increase item drop a little but also increased map size on the last day so I guess it is harder to grab bonuses before they timeout

Sadly I can't do much about the art :(

(1 edit)

My second entry in this jam and I will post this version as an open beta to friends. Hopefully I am planning to release in 2 months top.

Please give feedback on any bugs/crashes you find or new ideas/how to improve existing ones!

That is pretty weird. There is a shader issue I am aware of (some of the functions I used not available in all glsl versions I believe) which also crashes on start game. Might be the same bug, does it complains about shaders when you hit start playing? It should display before call stack.

@Hamfist McMutton

Thanks for the feedback. You are right about pretty much every point. Some are harder to fix (like art :() but I will try to improve them.


I think it should be MSVCP140.dll. I added both to .zip and reuploaded. Please try again.

Also if you can try deleting MSVCP120.dll and MSVCP140.dll to figure out which dll is necessary, that would be great!
Also install these two if you don't to have problems with other devs that forgets VC binaries :)

Honestly can't believe this is all 9mb. Amazing game!

Weapons are awesome! Too bad they are temporary though. Allthough I can see it would be imba otherwise