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Yes we see web is a more convenient approach to game jams, we're quite new to this but we will aim for web for the next.
Glad to hear you liked the concept! Not many games mixing both things :D we're already discussing on improvements so hopefully we will be able to release a better, more solid version.
Thanks for playing!
nice concept Rebe! i really liked the dungeon design, feels fluid, and I love those texts reflecting the pc thoughts. helps get some context. Also controls are great, intuitive for someone with little experience with dungeon crawlers like me.
I got my ass beat by the first skeleton I didn't see the femur next to the skeleton until I backpedaled
Thanks syncr0! I really appreciate your interest in our project. Indeed, we are more accustomed to the Time Unit system from old-school tactical games, but perhaps we'll try other alternative Action Point systems. Personally, I liked the systems in Gears Tactics and Phantom Doctrine a lot, so we'll experiment to see what we get.
Regarding the campaign, we wanted to have a branching level system, but unfortunately we didn't manage to implement it by the delivery date. However, it's on our immediate TO-DO list to start designing the strategic layer.
Thank you very much for your comment and your time!
Wow, thank you very much for such an extensive review. I really appreciate that you took the time to write all this; it means a lot to us!
We plan to continue with the game; we want to achieve something like a linear roguelike (or not so much), similar to Shardpunk or Depth of Extinction, with a short campaign where the team has to progress through a level tree. The idea is that the player chooses the units at the beginning and tries to reach the end with those same units, giving it a survival touch.
The idea of having action points in increments of 100 comes mainly for two reasons: influences from Jagged Alliance and also the intention to integrate it into the flooding system, but unfortunately, we didn't get to it. Our idea is that as the water level rises, it becomes more difficult to perform actions (not just movement), so it made more sense to be more granular. Nevertheless, I agree with what you're saying, and it could be simplified.
The idea with the AI was to have offensive and defensive units (like the ones with MG42s). I added validations for them to check their surroundings when attacked, but I think there was a bug that I didn't see before the release, causing them not to respond. We will fix it along with several other AI improvements. Also, we might remove the vision cones since small maps don't make much sense for them.
As for the UI, it's not my strong suit – I've been a back-end programmer all my life lol! We used CodeMonkey's ui for both the HUD and elements in 3D space, but we didn't give it the priority it really deserved. We will improve it in a future version. (In fact, today I already started working on changing the movement grid from sprites to a dynamically generated area mesh like in XCOM)
We really liked the theme, and we will continue working on the game. So, again, we appreciate your recommendations and the time you spent with our game!
Thank you very much!
Excellent work! I really enjoyed it. Aesthetically, the game is well-crafted, and the mechanics are very entertaining.
I liked the variety of weapons, although I think it needs a bit of balancing; the HK pistol seems a bit too powerful compared to the others.
I had a bit of trouble using the torpedo launcher; the fact that it consumes all AP makes it challenging to avoid exposing the unit. Perhaps you could consider giving it an area of effect attack with slightly reduced damage that costs 1 AP less or has fewer rounds.
I also really enjoyed you added underwater mines; it was fun to see the AI getting caught by them.
The interface is also very good, very intuitive. I would like to be able to rotate the camera with Q and E as in most games, but that's a minor detail.
Overall, the game seemed great to me. I hope you continue working on it!
I liked it, very neat, and aesthetically, the game looks excellent. The first level was more challenging for me than the second one; the first firefight in a narrow hallway doesn't provide much room to maneuver, making it difficult to take cover. The second level I liked much more; there's a good distribution of cover and enemies.
Very good idea, I liked how quickly each level is played, and the music was a good choice. I like the change in emphasis it undergoes when the level starts, makes it feel urgent.
As constructive criticism, I would say that the controls could be improved a bit, perhaps by adding a hotkey to cancel the action if one makes a mistake, and maybe lowering the difficulty a bit in the early levels.
Overall, a very good game!
A very fun experience
I think the original time frame was too small, 14 days imo is great, not too short, not too long, we barely managed to finish the project by monday, but with the extra days we weeded out a lot of bugs and had time for some small improvements too
+1 to what Rebello said about discord, i think it will help bring in people for the next jam, and also be a place for tactics game devs where we can discuss genre specific matters.