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A member registered Nov 12, 2019

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Admittedly, hope so, but you gotta do what you feel is best for your story. It's a great game, though, been having a blast!

Here's a question... not including the girls who can get pregnant now before Act 3, if you added that for other girls later would they have to get preggers before Act 3? Basically would you have to restart the game for any girls who can't get pregnant at the moment, if you added it for them?

Here's a question... will you be adding any more tykes, because dangit, some of the reactions of some of the ladies who never got impregnated who could would be hilarious (Mainly thinking the 'real' Chloes reaction... she might break the spell on her and literally end the MC. < _ <). Granted, of course, it IS war-time and all, so that'd be tough... ah well, be funny to imagine, anyways...

Renryuu: Ascension community · Created a new topic Fane...

I'm having a bit of trouble with Fane. I bought her freedom, she went to Pumumu, then she was offered to come to the Castle as a Maid.... but she's not there. I checked her cg and it's still shaded out with the hint saying she's in Pumumu still. I went back there and checked all the houses... nada. Help?

No impregnation content at the moment, or there won't be any at all? Sorry, was confused at the wording there.

Scarlet Shadow community · Created a new topic An Error

I noticed an error, where Irid wakes up near the Sol Temple, and notices the other three missing, she's stuck in the trees and can only turn but not move out of the trees.

Where can I find the Darkness Gem for the Summon Blade Quest? The clue seemed to point to Old Ashton, but I looked around and couldn't find it anywhere.

I noticed after you finish the Ancient Mysteries quest, that Hanelore is still there at the school with her old picbase... will that be fixed?

I noticed something... when you have sex with Kalia and you get the impregnation bit, it ended up with Firah impregnated instead. After that, I was able to impregnate Kalia again, but it says she's not pregnant.

I didn't see Maescia in the CG room after your 'encounter' with her... will that be added down the road?

In Dolls Love Quest, anyone know the answer to the clock in that building/dungeon?

I'm getting an error message every time I enter battle with Master Z. Just shows a 'Loading' screen, then says fail to something about an image with Master Z. I the only one getting an error message here?

Ah, okay. One other question, can she even get pregnant? Didn't seem like it.

(2 edits)

So, is the Elf you find in the castle just for a limited time, or will she be permanent? I noticed she didn't have a pic in the CG Room.