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A member registered Jan 10, 2018 · View creator page →

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I really like the game and i have played it almost 3-4 times :D

just saw your stream :) thanks 

Omg thank you so much :D  thank you for playing and suggesting all the improvements, these are sooo helpful. I am going to work on this project as soon as I get time. I'll work on the tiles and music a little bit, and add some new mechanics like knockbacks and timed events. Again, thank you soooo much for the suggestion.

overall great game.

I like the teddy bear :D

I don't have a clue where to post this, so I'm posting here. I wonder if any of the streamers have streamed my submission. If anyone has streamed my submission, please let me know. I like to hear your opinions so I can improve my games. Sorry if I posted this question in a wrong place.

thank you so much for playing :)

Wow that smoke effect is so cool :D

i love the gameplay!

I like those sfx :)

I really like the theme song :D

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in the previous edition of mini jam, someone mentioned that my game had no music so i added some of my own music this time. the reason i don't add sound because it takes time. i work more on the code so the game can be played smoothly. if you have any suggestions, please let me know :D

Nice game :D

glad you like the shooting mechanics. I'm going to expand this project in a full release soon, so maps will be added :)

thank you for your reply :) i'm going to add diagonal movement in future updates. Thank you for your suggestion.

It was great :D

It's so fun to play :D

Awesome, that game is so addictive. it deserves to win!  :D

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thank you for playing! Thank you for your opinion too!! I hope you'd like to take a look at the sequel I'm making.

i need some help for the story of the sequel. can you help me bololobo? :)

I've uploaded a demo! please check it out.  :)

First demo is out! try it!

Hey guys! i made a page for the sequel of this game. check it out and let me know your suggestions and opinions.

here is the link to that page.

your suggestions are very valuable for me.

the development is in progress. if you have any suggestions, let me know. i will add them in the game.

so fun to play! i liked the music and the third sheep ( i named him popo ). i almost played until level 11.

I see you already win the jam man! awesome graphics using such low number of colors, plus the game is so fun to play. I hope you win this jam man :D

Cool game!

Thank you so much for your opinion bololobo!

 Don't apologise man! You did great work, I just told what I thought. Keep making good games :D

Omg love the game, can't beat it though :p (it's hard for me)

Thank you so much for playing the game! i manually placed the asteroid thingies, but the blue enemy ships spawn randomly.

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Space prison break
Artwork by TDMxross
I'm working on a sequel for this game. hope you guys like to play it!

Thank you so much for playing! the fuel meter was made in hurry that's why it works in kinda weird way :p . i'll make a sequel to this game soon in future,  i guess it'll be more polished.


i played the game. awesome graphics and smooth physics. but it's too easy :( 

OMG this game is hilarious! and the music is awesome too.

i scored 1000

Thank you so much for playing! if you want faster game play, let me know. i'll try to make more levels with faster game play (new graphics too).

I've uploaded a window mode version for you! try it out! 

Pretty unique game play, i enjoyed the theme.

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i think blaze means just 4 colors to make sure the game looks like an old school arcade game. using alpha channels technically means more than 4 colors. even if you're using one transparent color, the color can overlap other colors and make new colors. did i manage to explain what i mean?   :p

i think you got the idea whattamytalkinbout