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Team Ruby

A member registered Nov 30, 2017

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There actually was a way (kinda) that I found. There is an app on android (intended for chromebook, but should work on android) called crossover. Now, don't get me wrong: You probably will need to use a usb/bluetooth keyboard or mouse (or both). I keep getting a black screen, but I will try to fix it.

I currently am in the process of figuring it out... But here's the breakdown.

A.) Do you currently have Developer Mode enabled on your chromebook?

B.) Do you have crouton (not folder, file) downloaded on your computer?

C.) Have you tried to run the code to open up crouton in your terminal?

If you don't know how to do some of this, click the link down below:

(Btw... I am not trying to play Doki Doki on Dev. mode... It's a pain to have to press [CTRL]+[D] every time shut the power on and off...)

This is probably the only way to do this. I suggest you uninstall every app that you can (other than chrome) on your chromebook before downloading crouton and starting it... *IMPORTANT!!!* Also, back up all of your files currently on a flash drive/google drive. All files left on your computer will be deleted when you enter Dev. Mode.

Link to 'How To' on installing ubuntu:

This is the only way to do this.

@Team Salvato I found out how to change the character's favorite words. If I intended to make a mod, would I have to contact one of the team members?

If I try to edit the game, will it break? I do have coding software and knowledge.

I have already beaten the game on mac, but I now am sadly stuck with a chromebook...

I have jailbroken this chromebook, though, and I am able to run most programs/games.

I think the game's genius, and I really look forward to games like this in the coming future.

I know that this is probably why my game doesn't work, but I downloaded the windows version of DDLC from, and I tried running it on wine. The application opened up, but all I got was a black screen. At the top, there was the game's icon, though. Is there any way to fix this?