Apologies for reviving a 4 year old post, are steam keys still available? I was going through my owned game bundles and saw your message about them being available from the download page yet I'm having trouble finding where it shows to be able to do so on the download page.
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When I went to visit Jackie, I had remembered that I hadn't found Samatha's key yet. Is it possible to find said key yet or will that be coming in a future update? Oh another thing that I remember seeing was about being able to go on a date with the Receptionist though I am not sure if or how to trigger that event to happen.
Oh speaking of dominating, for the dungeon in the manor will/would it ever be possible to summon any of the other girls besides just Jessica or Gwen? As prior to having checked it out I had been hoping I would be able to bring/summon both Madison and Veronica there as they had seemed like good choice to bring to it.
Awesome, thanks I had been wondering what they had been about for a while. That said with someone like Kana I remember her having (pet) shown next to her name though not white like it shows for (auntie) for Jessica. Did I miss something for Kana to not have it being shown now or is that one that hasn't been implemented yet like you had mentioned?