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A member registered Nov 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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I think it is possible, as long as you follow the trends/styles:

- Super Mario

- Sonic

- Furry Porn

- Minecraft


- Backrooms

- homo or trans , or both

- Zombie FPS

- Disney/Marvel and what not

edit: if you make anything pornographic, it should even sell in GameDev communities. Less marketing efforts required. People actually search for that stuff. Anything else you have to spam the entire internet to get a handful of players... over the period of 10 years, lol

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With regards to the audience: we live in times where you need to pay for people to play your stuff, regardless how good the product is.... in order to build an audience.

The problem here is, that we're catering to each other (content creators), lol... but not to the audience that is stuck at YouTube, Twitter, Steam (or other marketing platforms) , that we can't reach... thanks to Google, facebook, Disney+, Netflix, Crypto, Politics, slide-show channels, unboxers, and other advertisers who pay huge money to get that last bit of audience that is out not looking for mainstream. And even for them it becomes harder and harder

Bottom line, it's not worth thinking about whether you have an audience or not. Do it for yourself, is the best approach

I have recently also created a game, mostly for myself, as I always wanted to play a game that features slightly more advanced opponent multiplayer AI in 6DoF, and there was no other game than Forsaken 64 who featured such. Win win

alpha test is on the devlog

testing some animation for story mode

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Hi friends!

It's been almost two months since I've started development of SpaceBattery (a Descent and Forsaken inspired game).

Finally I am able to present something playable. It's still very raw and basic, but shows off the AI and Game Logic.

I would be happy if there are some folks out there amongst you Devs and maybe Gamers, who want to give it a try and let me know how they got along.

A few things:

SpaceBattery contains self made content and does not include a single file imported from another party or source.

It is inspired by Forsaken and Descent (2 games I really loved as a kid). The reason I am coding this is to make up for the lack of AI in Multiplayer. One could only play Forsaken against other gamers in Multiplayer.. and SpaceBattery offers 3 levels of AI (Braindead, Stupid and Crazy). It features only one map that goes on forever. 

The game has no keyboard support as of now, and does not require you to have internet in order for it to be played.

In case you want to try it, it is a Windows only application which was compiled using Unity, and is written in C#. 

The alpha is currently only available on over my DevLog. (don't download it from somewhere else, if possible. You never know these days).

Test the game at your own risk (see readme.txt inside the zip file for more info)

Download Links:

34MB of Zip Archive Size

Testing some new weapon stuff and game logic elements

Testing the new laser cannon 

It's already playable... but I first started development, not even a month ago. So it lacks lots of stuff.

I might upload a tech soon! Just wanna get at least 2 more weapons into the selection. :)

and I agree, the games that we just don't get these days, we have to code ourselves ... had me laughing

I'd have to say C#

Testing some new custom sound fx

That's a huge compliment!

Descent was my absolute favorite back then. 

added some vapor trail mechanic
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Hello folks!

Working on a Space Shooter.

This one is under development and made entirely from scratch with custom content.

Hope it finds some interest

Thanks :)