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Tech Wampus

A member registered Sep 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Overall Good game, the controls ware a bit clunky

How do You shoot?? I think You should have added a label that show the controls, or at least write it in the decription ...

But I also tried add two players, and it still doesn't work

BUG: I can't play the normal mode, I move the P1 to a side and press enter, nothing happens, I click on ready nothing happens. idk why but yeah it's not working I tried everything. It can create a bad impression, so I would suggest you fix it as soon as possible

Extremely confusing, I got it right but it still doesn't do anything...

The graphics are good though ;)

The game jam will start at 1:00 AM (local time) so... it's too late 

I wanted to see the announcements LIVE but guess not     :(       

I'm guessing I will just have to start  my game tomorrow instead 

What game engine?   Godot?