Merci pour ton commentaire, mais surtout, merci d'avoir traduit Outrageous!
Je ne l'aurais jamais adapté dans l'univers de GOT sans avoir découvert ta traduction.
Hi, I'm glad you liked it !
Your article is very interesting : it's good to know the importance of smaller actions in our collective unconscious. It’s very motivating.
Reducing emissions from data storage is a complex topic... I chose to talk about simple ways to reduce it (Mail, video, cloud).
But, unfortunately, the interesting ways I've found are… radical...
A low-tech chat, without third-party servers (Cloud) (The tuto is unfinished) :
Lowering the image quality of an online video is interesting too. Some youtubers already post only 480p videos on their channel.
For my spelling mistakes :
Damn! My many proofreadings were not enough to remove all my faults!
I really thank you for your patience to check and to correct this mini-zine.
I will correct this mini-zine as soon as possible.
Thank you !
I talked to this game with someone, and we started playing it without being aware of it.
And ,oh my god, it was really fun :
- Our GM asked me to define the abilities of each of our arms : Strenght, in case we have to fight with two weapons. But he asked us to define the other abilities of our arms : Constitution, perception, charisma...
- In this game, the ability "Perception" is divided in nine sub-abilities, including equilibrium, proprioception, thermoception and chronoception...
We laughed a lot ! Thank you !
I talked to this game with someone, and we started playing it without being aware of it.
And ,oh my god, it was really fun :
- Our GM asked me to define the abilities of each of our arms : Strenght, in case we have to fight with two weapons. But he asked us to define the other abilities of our arms : Constitution, perception, charisma...
- In this game, the ability "Perception" is divided in nine sub-abilities, including equilibrium, proprioception, thermoception and chronoception...
We laughed a lot ! Thank you !
I discovered it by chance, and this RPG looks awesome! Really, I really want to play it with someone ! It's a pure role-playing game, even if somebody says it isn't !
Je l'ai lu par hasard, et il a l'air dingue, ce jeu! En vrai, j'ai hâte de l'essayer avec quelqu'un ! Du pur jeu de rôles, n'en déplaise à ceux qui disent le contraire !
Oui, la précision des coups du loup-garou est entachée par pas mal de facteurs (Le scrolling, l'animation des griffes trop animée qui te fait poser des questions sur la direction du coup, le manque de précision quand le pointeur est loin. ...). Mais tant mieux que tu aies apprécié ! Merci du commentaire !
Merci de le signaler. C'est un bug qui apparaît selon l'ordinateur, soit on a ce bug, soit on l'a pas du tout. Je verrai ce que je peux faire en post-jam, surtout avec tous les détails que vous m'avez précisés.
Et merci de votre soutien ! :)
Edit : Bug trouvé. Si vous avez ce bug, débranchez vos manettes xbox du PC, et le bug sera résolu. Je corrigerai ce bug dès que je pourrais éditer le jeu.
Sorry, Fallen Knights doesn't have an online multiplayer mode. If you know someone who wants to play with you online, you can use Parsec, it's a free software, it allows you to play online with friends even if the game doesn't have an online multiplayer.
I hope my answer helps you, and thanks for your comment !