in endless mode, to finish if you are happy with your score, press escape, finish and then press play and you can see your result
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Hello, I am a developer who uses macOS and don't know how to package for Windows. I use unreal engine five and I can't find how to package for Windows, wherever I look on the internet. Also, there is an error saying that the developer cannot be authorised or something like that, so I was wondering when i submit my game if I could record myself playing and submit that?
Try deleting any unnecessary files and photos. If that doesn't work then go to finder or file explorer and right click on the uproject file and press compress file and then press the settings button at the top next to the blueprints button and then go to engine scalability and put everything to low and on the bottom of it there should be material quality level and put that to low and that should help. If it does please let me know. :)
you should give blender a go. I started game dev last year in September so i'm sill learning but for all my models I use blender. Blender is highly recommended, it's free and there are tons of tutorials about it on youtube plus if you download a 3d model from lets say sketchfab and you need to import into unreal but there is no fbx or glb format download it and import it into blender and export to fbx or glb. Just my opinion though but blender highly recommended. Hope this helped. And if You ever need a lighsaber model just go to :)