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A member registered Jun 07, 2023

Recent community posts

I'm not 100% sure, but I think I would've chosen the update version.

Can someone please explain the difference with the epilogues? Do you need both? 

Not the first to ask either.

I'm having a problem where every save loads into the point with the photo before they tell the story of how they met to their kid of how they met, early part 2. It remembers where I was enough that I can skip to where I saved, but that's hardly enjoyable. (Hopefully being vague to avoid any potential spoiling is still clear enough). 

I'm on Android, version 1.7. 

I feel like I've maxed them out already. Should I give up the love point and subsequent lewd point for just the lewd point up front (though I'm pretty sure I tried that too)? 

What is the deciding factor for unlocking the 'Shinigimi Rides You' gallery? I feel like I've tried every array choices.

Rather curious. Are there any public details?

OK. It feels really weird. Given the way Rei is introduced as someone you just met, without having just met them, it's a bit odd. At the very least, either the flashback would serve better to be immediately after the introduction, or just to be phrased differently (like not making such a strong point about having just met them before). That's my take anyway. If I had to choose one to recommend, I'd say moving the flashback closer would possibly be easier and more effective (if you wanted to worry about it, otherwise just a note for future projects maybe). 

I do have to say I've enjoyed it so far, and also quite the Reboot Love games too (been looking forward to more of that). 

Is the first meeting of Rei during a training supposed to be skipped? I never saw it, but that was apparently the first time meeting. 

Will you ever change the text from white on light grey so it can be read easily? Not my first complaint about it, and certainly not the first to complain about it. Personally, it's impossible to put up with. 

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So 0.14, Epilogue, Xmas Special?

I'm not too worried that it's abandoned. At least I know going in. 

Is this finished? 

What do I put?

What is the order? Having an epilogue before the game is finished doesn't really make sense.

What's the time frame for the free release?

How do I skip it? I'm on Android if that changes anything.

I downloaded 0.20, but instead of updating, it installed on its own, except the new install doesn't work. (Android) 

The memories mini game is bad. You're making people wait until the overlapped text separates on its own before they can try to read it while it's still moving. Either issue is bad enough, but together completely frustrating. It's honestly putting off the whole game.

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How does the New Life feature work? If it's just random, what's the rate? I can't seem to get anything to happen.

Edit: I believe I found the trigger. There's a heart in the lab. 

Still can't download on Android. Been a long issue now. Both links download a broken file. 

Thanks, did the trick. I always hope I don't have to do that. No matter how often it works, I always expect something to go wrong. Guess it only takes one to taint the idea.

I can't update on Android. Everything appears to work correctly (download says it's 3.15 and says it's installed), but then when playing there's no changes or new content and the version still says 3.14.

(1 edit)

I'm still having this issue. Is this currently being looked at or should I move on? (genuine question)

To clarify, the problem persists with either download option. 

Appreciate it. Turns out the source was irrelevant. It still won't download properly. Extraction fails the same as before. 

Will the free release become accessible on itch, or will it only be available from the external site?

Any chance you can upload the Android version somewhere else (Mega for example)? Media Fire never downloads properly.

Any chance you can upload the Android version somewhere else (Mega for example)? Media Fire never seems to work. 

I have had that on and off a lot. Best guess is it's a stability issue with I had to go back and fourth between wifi and data when it happened. Once I started using a mesh, it hasn't occurred since; so there's that too (especially useful if you have wide troubles with stability).

So far I've had no big problems, but I've found that everytime I return from the accessibility menu, it's no longer playable. The image remains, but the text and functions at the bottom all disappear, and nothing seems to be doable. On Android.

I tried to update on Android, but it won't work. It just goes through the process and then just says it didn't install. I have the same issue with the last update too. 

Suzu and Jun.

0.053 on Android also won't update (0.05 wouldn't update either).

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The Android version didn't actually update for me at all. Obviously, given the forced restart anyway, I tried installing it fresh and that worked. At the very least, if you don't worry about fixing it, it'd be nice to know of the workaround. Plus some people might not bother anymore, especially if they miss the info about the forced restart. (I did this for a month, for example) 

No, I'm up-to-date.

The Android version doesn't seem to be working. Every time it says 'parsing failed'.

It decided to just show up. I didn't do anything different, so no idea what determines its appearance. 

For anyone else that can't find it: lake, bushes, midnight (single flower on the left).