here's my discord: teletubprod
if you want to ask me for early unfinished builds because the next one is NOT done
I don't know how steam work, didn't look into it, but I should first finish everything or at least a have nice product that can be presented, not a demo.
The game is not done but close to a good release with a nice end point (if you're familiar with the first game, it would end right before the Golgothite's body), look forward to the next update It will have a fair amount of content, but might be here in a while as september approaches.
I'm always looking for feedback, if you have any.
i will lower the platform, you can try to access it with a rocket jump.
Try holding out the jump button as well. Very sorry for the inconsistency.
This room has always had a weird inconsistent entrance here, I think your machine might be a bit lower end than mine and the time is not computing quite right, totally my bad.
You can also try to up your framerate by cutting something in the background, I'm sorry I will fix it in the next build, and if nothing works you can use the debug console just for this one.
I'm going to look into the double jump, it shouldn't be any more different than a regular jump since double jumping just forces a jump mid-air.
Edit: the floaty peak time is indeed canceled during a double jump, good observation.
The damage popups are going to be reimplemented, I also considered a DPS meter in the UI, but this might too strange and confusing for a regular player.
The heart weapon is just right next to the heart boss, I don't know if i updated it in the UI.
old savefiles shouldn't have any issues for newer versions, it might break future features but currently there are many checks when loading a savefile, so if nothing is on the save it resets to default values.
Thanks for the feedback!!
500 is the max amount of HP still, let me check for the destroyer emblem.
edit: just checked, put the wrong ID for the pedestal, I'm going to fix this right now.
This is now fixed in 2.3.1.
for the HP the more hidden life ups are in the main world not in the body, you might have missed one in the heavens or in the caverns. The game is a bit annoying to 100% because the minimap was a very last minute addition.
Thanks for doing 100%!!
Thanks, I will release small demos every so often, a lot of content is planned, and a lot of assets are already done.
I may consider a more diverse movement kit, but this comes with the downside of reworking the map.
BMSR is the best band, I've even put a secret Cobra Juicy that can replace a bone in the Cavern Freak fight!