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A member registered May 19, 2023 · View creator page →

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This is a really cool concept!

For feedback -- I think leaving the blocks where they are when you reset might encourage the player to do more experimentation.  Or maybe I missed something?

Had lots of fun, great job!

Thank you so much for playing it, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the feedback!

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Cool, thanks for playing!  Unfortunate that your mic broke :/

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Thanks for the feedback!  Setting up the fake 3D stuff in Gamemaker took longer than I would have liked, but I think it paid off in end.  I appreciate that you like my art-style!

I agree with your critiques, the game certainly has some issues with communicating to the player.  -- I think a free dummy timer/delay troop might have been a more elegant/self-explanitory solution to letting players split up waves (assuming I also coupled that with better communication of the abilities).

Thanks again!

Really cool idea!

I feel like the player could be a tad faster to make the experimentation loop quicker.

I couldn't quite get past the last level, but had lots of fun nonetheless!

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks again for the feedback!

I agree, onboarding is the biggest thing I struggle with right now  -- this jam has been illuminating for how I should handle new players for my other long term  projects.  Nonetheless, I'm glad that it grew on you when you got a hold of the mechanics.

Goodluck as well!

Haha, true.

A practice level would have been great for quickly implementing tutorialization, I'll keep that in mind for future jams.

I've updated the game's page with more detailed descriptions of the potions.

Thanks for the advice, it's really helpful!

Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback!

I hear you, I wish I had time to add some indicators or a tutorial, although there's some info on the potions in the game's itch description.

If you want to give the game a second shot, here's a longer description of the potions:
- [R] Teleports the selected tower to a random location
- [T] Disables the selected tower for the round
- [Y] Gives your units a speed boost in the selection area

Didn't expect to see an RTS -- especially with a focus on micro -- in a game jam!

Really enjoyed playing this.

This game's super polished and feels great to play.

My only complaint is that the game's too short!  I wish that there was a continue button after you beat it, I wanted to see how far I could get.

I really enjoyed the ATTACKWORLD's music variation, its unfortunate that most of the game takes place in the other dimension.  The player controls a tad finicky due to the delay in hammer swings, but it does allow you to swing the hammer and fall off a platform to jump further, which feels really good.  Interesting design conundrum.

Can the final platform only be reached by comboing a hammer swing and jump?

The core mechanic is interesting.

Making the loot not respawn might have granted more depth. 

The game looks really nice.  Moving the player spawn position might have helped with extending the playtime.

The art and music is really well done!

Clean artstyle!  The level design does a really good job at accomodating your core rewind mechanic.  The puzzles felt great to solve.

This is a really great concept, I would love to see how the card selection could be expanded with more abilities in a post jam update!

Ah, I see.  Looking forward to your update after the jam!

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Cool game!  I think it was a great design decision to swap the player's health when you role swap; the resource management adds depth.

Managed to kill the gorilla boss

This is really impressive for being done with no engine!

I think the game concept is very good; it has lots of opportunities for push-and-pull with the hero's weapons being potentially used against you.  Unfortunately, there isn't much of a penalty for dying as a zombie so there wasn't much strategy at play with weapon selection.

I feel like the jam's theme hurt the game somewhat, as playing the hero felt great!  The zombies not as much.  I'm curious if the role swap would have felt better if you could play as the boss.

Cool Concept!  The effect combined with the camera lerp makes the princess' dash feel really good to use.
If you do a future release after the game jam, I would recommend shrinking the hurtbox of the spikes.

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Thank you so much!  I think Jack did a great job with the music and both of us were pleasantly surprised with how the 2D projection of the 3D levels looked.

I agree with your thoughts about the mortars, I think I would have reduced their fire rate and their shell drop speed if I had done more play testing.

However, since I can't change them now, here are some tricks you can use to deal with them:
- You can press [TAB] to send part of your army early, allowing you to spread your troops out
- Mortars aim at the closest unit, so you can place [W] or [E] troops as decoys to distract them from your high value [Q] troops
- You can use your [R] elixirs to clump the mortars together so they don't spread their shots
- [E] troops can outrun mortar shells
- [Q] troops can outrun mortar shells with a [Y] spell, comboing to score a lot of breaches
- Lone mortars are weak to the [T] elixir, so use them early before they lose value
- Mortars scale poorly in terms of  tower density, so the threat that they pose in the gifts/rubs section scales inversely to how many are already placed


Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback!  I do agree that the game doesn't do a great job at communicating what the abilities do.  I've written 1-3 word descriptors on the webpage, do you have any advice which could improve them?