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Glad you enjoyed it!  We're actively working on a new game much in the same vein that is a little more expanded in its scope.  Dream Coworker was kinda our proof of concept.  So follow us or you can get on our email list ( and we'll keep you in the loop.  Unfortunately, this new game won't continue the plot of Dream Coworker.

To your specific comments:

Skip button - yeah you're right.  If we do a bugfix release of DC I'll see if I can't figure a way to add that in there.

Visuals - oh man I wish!  I don't suppose you know an erotic artist looking for a game to contribute to?  We're very much having to hack-together what we can, nobody on our team is a serious visual artist I'm afraid.

Endings - the "Extreme" changes are kinda what I think about as the endings (outside of the 2 things labeled as endings).  Always a chance our writer will get inspired and toss another one in there. :)

Thanks again for your comments.  It really is inspiring when we get positive feedback!

Sorry you're having trouble.

I'm guessing the resolution is smaller than the game is intended to work with on your portable.  Try pressing Control-Minus a couple times.  At least on my computer on Chrome, that drops the font size down and lets the game fit in a smaller window.

I hoped a couple folks would find those conversations.  I heard a rumor that if you do that enough you might discover something special...

If you've got an android tablet, the regular url should work.  If itch won't let you try, use it directly through the website .   But on my phone, the menus are too small to use properly...and programming the interactions to reconfigure for small size is more pain than I'm looking to take on in the near future.  I'll keep it in mind! 

I'm glad you think so!  There's a lot in common but so much had to get rewritten.  So it's gratifying that you enjoyed Alexander.