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Temple Slug

A member registered Dec 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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the debug spear "Voidlance" deicide ultraweapon exists in the current distribution of the game

That rat better watch his back, all I'm sayin

what a comfy game for this genre, it really takes you by surprise when the difficulty begins to rise.  I adore the mixed media, and music was just tense enough to elevate the visuals without overdramatizing the stakes.  I found the controls a liiiil tough to work with bc of certain buttons having delayed feedback when starting new actions, but perhaps that's part of the curve! 
the spitball projectiles could have used more tactile, textured feedback on hit, and a stronger, more colorful presence on screen.  To my ken that would have bound all the elements together in a substantial way, as it's the second most common interaction the player has with the game, after movement. 

I tried to focus on critique rather than compliments, because I think you know your game whips.  It really does.  Fantastic fantastic work.

Sprinting over there immediately

thanks minga,  we really like you!

Thank you! glad you enjoyed it, means a lot

(1 edit)

Hey thank you!  I'm sorry about the control scheme, we focused so hard on controller use that keyboard players took a hit.  great job getting to halfway however, that's a true feat tbh