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A member registered Mar 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Yeah, the 'distance' number right now is literally just raw Vector3 distance math between the tile locations in a straight line. We weren't sure if it was worth doing the extra calculations to find 'number of tiles' would be worth it, but it's definitely doable! Thank you very much for the feedback =]

Thanks for the feedback, hauki! Yeah, the 'blank tile' is definitely an issue. We were hoping to have a visual number appear on top of the tile itself (like Minesweeper), but that didn't get in before the deadline.

Hey Bismod! Thanks very much for hosting the Jam, as well as the updoot! I had a lot of fun =]

Haha, yeah, my room generation logic needs a bit more logic in it. It's very much in the 'good enough to submit' category, but I definitely want to refine the process, especially in terms of generating the exit door (or maybe at least allowing for a second exit to appear for situations like that >_>)

Thank you for the kind words and the feedback!

Yeah, in my mind I was being 'deliberately obtuse', but it's probably not helpful for people looking to just play the game, haha. I should really build in more/better visual feedback (maybe some simple audio as well?) to convey what's happening rather than relying on text only. 

Ampersands are wandering "entities" (and if you're standing where they want to move, they will hit you). The 'Z' pickups are 'energy' drops. It takes energy on your moves to hit enemies (and if I go back to add more to the game, I might add things like 'locked doors' that take energy to open). 'Integrity' is just my word for 'HP', 'output' is for 'attack'.

But thank you very much for the kind words! I appreciate the feedback =]

Thanks for the kind words! And yeah, the fine-tuning and balancing definitely needs some work. Based on a lot of the feedback, it's probably worth either slowing down the initial decay or speeding up the text (or both) for people that want to take their time on that aspect. Maybe a 'difficulty' toggle?

The origin of the 'energy' system was to become a baseline that I could theoretically layer more things on top of ('locked' doors that cost energy to open, etc). If I were to add complexity, it'd definitely be fun to work on some limited "abilities" (draw a line of stable 'ground' out in front of you to cross gaps?) that cost energy to use. Upgrades is definitely something I considered.