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A member registered Sep 11, 2020

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It's possible to get Rat pacifist despite killing the Rat King. Does this imply the Rat King is a Tyrant? If so, cool lore.

I love how this is the first image when you look up the game now.

Oh, you mean how do you collect them when they're dropped. For that, all you have to do is walk onto the tile, or just finish the fight (then they'll get picked up automatically)

Just click them.

What do you think "Growth" is supposed to be?

This game's pretty fun! Though, it would be nice to have the power mode be bound to a separate button, rather than binding both power mode and shoot to both Z & X.

It's definitely possible to get Lovers and Next Generation in one run, I did that.

This was a pretty fun game so far! My only complaint was that it tended to drag out at points. In particular, driving the rover from Talos to Laurion gets pretty tiring, since it takes a good 3 minutes to go even with the tunnel unlocked. Incorporating some kind of Fast forward feature would improve the experience tremendously.

Not always. Once you start racking up higher value cards, it becomes a choice between, for example, 5 ore now or +1 ore for the rest of the game. It naturally becomes less useful towards late game anyway.

I think I found a bug?
I turned on the power, but the switch doesn't do anything.
I died immediately after turning on the power, maybe that had something to do with it?

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Heyo! The new update is pretty awesome! I like the new strategies introduced, such as how cards like Gold mine encourage the usage of more resource cards, and Wrench encouraging more action cards. And while the new creature is definitely a downgrade from the original, it's new mechanics are pretty fun too, plus the original was definitely overpowered.

My only complaint would be the nerf to the Prospect card. Using it was one of the most fun parts of early game, but now it's rendered entirely useless. I'm honestly curious as to why it's price was raised, since cards like Aquifer and Corkscrew now directly outclass it, giving a +2 or a +1 to all resources for the exact same cost.

Final Boss has a bug where the summons don't merge properly

This is a pretty neat game!

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I seem to have found the most bizarre bug. Whenever I try and Interact with the statues, talk to Miku or neru, or interact with the ribbon, the game freezes. Entering the Teto Shop Freezes the game too. Pretty much the only thing that doesn't freeze the game is the tutorial sign.

EDIT: Resetting the Game Save in the Menu fixed it. Which is kind of bizarre since I didn't have a save...

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     Alright, a few quick tips for anyone still looking to solve it (with minimal spoilers)
     So the core of the game comes down to the four time machines and how they work. Each one has it's unique effects and conditions needed to resolve the paradox:
     First, you have the twin microchip gates. These guys are pretty simple, just launching out a white ball, and "receiving" it in the future 7 ticks later. Worth noting that unlike the other time machines, this one can be used as many times as you want.
     Next, you have the pressure tube. While at first this one may seem similar to the gates, it's different in two ways: It can only be used once, but the red ball can be received at any point in the future.
     Third, you have the Delorean. This one's unique in that you can send the Delorean both forwards and backwards in time. But although the game lets you drag multiple instances of it onto the timeline, know that in practice you can only resolve it's paradox once.
     Finally, you have the Time gears. These are the simplest time machine of the four, lighting a fire when activated. To resolve it's paradox, find a way to light the bottom right rope.
    All in all, this game is a pretty neat puzzle. Would be interesting to see it's concepts expanded and fleshed out a little more.

No, Confirm ejects still ends the game when the impostors are gone. I'm talking "the only way to win is task win" type of thing.

This is a very fun game, but I found a really game breaking bug that lets you skip all the levels. In campaign mode, if you select "Abandon mission" while it's your enemies turn, you win automatically.

Then again, some other tasks might be easier. Like that one weather task in Polus.

One thing that would be cool would be if you could never tell when  the imposters were all gone.  This would fix a big problem in the game, the "ITS THEM! IF ITS NOT THEM, VOTE ME OUT!!!!!11!" problem. Being able to do that limits the imposter significantly. It would also encourage the completion of tasks, since that would be the only way to truly "Win"