well it turns out there was an extra add blocker on my VPN, thanks for this though i was able to confirm it was not any browser after trying it, helped narrow down the problem! :)
Recent community posts
it would appear to not be working at the moment, after clicking the only functioning hyper link it displays
"The forest stretches around you in every direction. It’s quiet, except for the occasional sound of birds or the crack of a branch in the distance.
really like that mana is hard to come by, makes it feel like you cant cheese the game too easy, like that certain bosses require a different strategy.
there are two systems in the game I find uninteresting but have thought of some ideas that could be fun:
- Current accessories are boring, my solution, monsters and bosses rarely will drop accessories(not too rare, maybe cap the max held in inventory to 1), they could do one of two cool things: Give you minor stats like a bee stinger that makes regular attacks poison on a low chance. or Give you the access to some of the abilities the monster has or a more human version like orc gauntlets that give you a punch ability that stuns on a lower chance than the monster's ability. I think these would be fun to use, maybe add some more stat accessories too so that not all of your party would use the monster stuff but some would.
- I have played through the game twice and have never used the monster infection abilities on an ally for anything other than personal interest, I think since the mana loss from them is permanent the buff should be as well maybe make something special if happen if you stack too many/all of them on one character (probably would require some sort of nearly unobtainable mana restoration item too accomplish)
the game is still a fun experience even with these two systems the way they are, just thought of them felt like sharing.
Weird issue where when I try to leave this hut I loose Lionel(he's called weretiger now?)
I can navigate, though its not easy, party shows up and empty, cant use provisions, special gift, equipment or Check over as they are greyed out
if I happen to enter a fight (moving maps did not fix it) then the game simply soft locks
I just got the game about maybe about 4 or 5 days ago, the version is "...03" I'm in the "aftermath" one, not sure what the difference is.
I would really really REALLY like to not have to replay the last 4 hours(6 if you include the part where I ran out of healing items and had to restart the entire game because it essentially soft locked me in battels where I had less than 100 health going in and no means to replenish it) with no abilities or other means of ways to spice up the 5 on one combat segments that more often than not took over 15 minutes to complete each. :(
I humbly beg for a solution or fix I can use to continue the game.
Ps. I will only be able to check this post once every night, my response my be late, thank you for your time