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The Anax

A member registered Aug 02, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you!  I really hope so too!  I just need someone that knows Unity to become a fan! lol

I do not know yet, but looking forward to completing it up once and for all.

No, the final version is not out yet so you currently have access to everything except all of Janice's content.  So, she's not done yet, but hopefully version 1.0 will be here soon.  Version .09 should be out soon.  And will come here, and that will be the final version- unpolished.  Once I make sure there are no bugs and add a bit of quality of life, it will be completely finished at 1.0.  Then I'll move all my focus to Giggle Night.

It is something that I talk about sometimes with the fans in Discord.  It is possible I might do the same thing with other Anaxverse factions in the future, but I will have much fewer women and much fewer transformation in betweens. Because SBC is way too big.  But nothing specifically planned at the moment. Right now I am working on getting GN and DBB to both Steam and here to itch.

Sometime over the next month or so I hope!  There will be a .09 version with the full game and then once all you play that and report any bugs, I'll add some extra polish to it, and then the 1.0 will release and I'll be totally done.  I'll probably get Giggle Night on here before Halloween as well, and maybe even Desideratum too.  Lots going on!

Not yet, once version 1.0 is done, I intend to have a demo become available. So I'm hoping to have a demo on here before Christmas.

Right now I am hoping in August but I don't have an exact date.

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Yours might be different than mine, so I cannot say for sure, but all Renpy games save to the same folder:


Janice is going to come in the final release.   So you've done it all for now it sounds like.

I plan on making one, once I finish it, but since the systems are still be tweaked, until I know all stats and such finalized, I cannot make one.  The game should have all the content except for all the Janice stuff.  She will be in the final release.

That system is being worked on right now for the final release.  Normally, on Game Mode, you will get Biomass and then upgrade from the main menu that you see at the start of each day in the Hive Chamber.  (The red one with your giant green eye).  So, I would not worry too much about it right now, you'll have to make a new save anyway when this final release drops.

Woah!  I did not see your comment before, sorry about that!  Not on this game, no, but that is a MAJOR point of all my other games where all these characters on this come from.  So, for now, check out the free copies, Trixie's game, Giggle Night, is the one being currently developed.  But this game is just a noncanonical trainer side game.

No exact date yet, I am very active in my Discord and talk to fans daily, but to sum it up, the volunteer programmer just finished his thesis and has been trying to get a programming job, though he is also still working on this on the side,  My personal work on it was done back in Feb (and if I could comprehend programming, the game would have been too lol) but anyway, the best I can say for now is, SOON™. lol

Not yet, still working on the new systems and then the final release will be out.

Well I of course finished everything back in February I think it was, so Mars has it and he did finish and turn in his thesis last week. So that means he's finally got time. So all I don't have all the details, I think that progress is about to start flowing pretty quickly. But it's one of those things where, all I can say is, it'll be ready when it's ready! Lol 

Having a fan help me like he does for free, I can't really pressure him to do it too fast. But I do think there were going to see progress happening pretty quickly now.

Oh yes I definitely will, as Mars finished the last bit of SBC, I have been working on Giggle Night, you can see spoilers in the Discord!

Blood Bonds is free, link is in my Discord, and it was finished but just as a kinetic HTML novel (granted it is 600,000 words of content and 6000 renders) but it will get a remake with a game mode and be sold here someday.

I still do not have an exact release, but my Patreon trickledown for the prepatch is now happening.  They are testing all the new systems, like upgrades for the Chambers and Units.  Boss battles got added to the Battle Phase as well.  In total over 100 upgrades!  So hang in there, the end is in sight!

Yeah, back then I was still working a 50/hr per week job. lol So I had all that income and figured I could afford to pay a programmer with Patreon, but 6 years ago I quit my job to make Anaxverse projects fulltime, so unfortunately, it's a no go.  However, I currently have a volunteer programmer that is helping make this very game, but he is new and I am waiting before announcing anything until I am certain he won't ghost me (like the other 14 programmers).  Anyway, we'll see!

Rose certainly will, I have not reached her game yet!  But, it's coming. In my Discord I have a channel set up for it. I have a channel for every novel/game, if you want to learn more.

They are all free (but I doubt they will work on Android, unless MAYBE with Joiplay), but you can download those from my website:

You can also Patron me on Patreon for the latest Giggle Night release which DOES have an Android version.  That is the visual novel/game that I am currently working on, and it is where Trixie Goodwin is from, in this game, SB:C.

Yes, that counts.  In the future, when the final release comes out, you will already have access to it.

I will probably write a guide eventually, the entire Battle Phase and upgrade system for units is being added on the final release (coming in February).  For now, it's all proof-of-concept.  But, the mimicked is not in the game as of now, the indoctrinators should birth to Alora randomly, assuming you have (I think) one woman at transformation level 5 (T5).  But, you're not even going to recognize all the units/game mode stuff when I finish this project in a couple of months.  My patrons should be able to start testing it in January.

It's hard to describe because I am the only person that ever made a game like it, but it is like a Trainer Game and also a resource management and Turn Based Stratagem game.  The final release (the next update is the last) is all about the Battle Phase, the turn based fighting. It adds upgrades, resources and more, but you can do it with the proof-of-concept now in the game. It is NOT like my novels.  This is not kinetic, it's an actual video game.

The leaves are falling, the chilly nights harbor dark things, and this is my time of year!  I love it!  I hope everyone has a happy Halloween!

It's getting there, about an hour ago I finished the last of the harem Chambers, so pushing along.  My guess is now hoping for Xmas release, because of just the magnitude of additions the final releases brings, with all the new upgrade systems and such as I showed off in Discord a couple of weeks ago.

Thanks!  I think this post got the ball rolling because after all this time, because I just got an email saying it is coming.  Whew, man am I relieved.  And yes, @leafo, I know.  But, desperation caused me to have to acquiesce and lie on the checkbox.  Sorry about that.  All I know is about 1000 pounds just fell off my shoulders.

I know I am not supposed to post here and my thread will be closed.  I am truly sorry!  If it was not so scary for me, I promise I would not post here like this.  But, next week my bills are coming up, and I have had a payout in the queue for 40 days.  I did contact support, 8 days ago, and never heard anything back.  It's only due to desperation, I assure you, that I thought I would post here.  I knew it would take a bit to verify my payout, but now it's going on for much longer than I ever assumed that it would.  Hoping for any good news or other advice.

Again, apologies to the moderators.  Like I said, it's been so long and I have been patient, but now I am getting really nervous, I never had a bounced check/late payment on my records so it's causing some anxiety.  Thank you, though!  I will appreciate any advice or assistance.

Love the game!  My own games and fetishes are more about corruption/mind control. So, I would mention adding  something that makes it where when I release girls, they go and grab other girls and drag them to unoccupied lockers for me.  Basically, something where I more directly weaponize the girls, themselves.  Also, maybe something that allows though first where you have to personally control a single girl before upgrading it.  Well, just and idea that I think would be hot!  Anyway, thanks again!

OH thank you for the information!  I am finding it to be a fun little game.  I am more into mind control aspects, so I am hopeful there is eventually something that makes it where when I release people, they go and grab others and drag them to the lockers for me.  That'd be hot!  Anyway, thanks again!

I bought the highest cost one thinking it would have more than the demo, but it does not unlock any other areas.  I am new to this game, just curious, does anyone understand how to unlock the new zones?  Also, other than waiting, is there any way to lower the people tattling on me directly?  Like getting teachers into lockers or something?

Thank you!  Me too!  In the meantime though, I have all these other games I am making in the Anaxverse, so at least I am not wasting time!

The programming fan that helped me make it had said that he'd only have ever been able to make a demo for me. So this was, and unfortunately I've never had another programmer fan that's been able to help me make it. But yes I do still want to and hope to be able to make it someday.

Thank you!  I posted the devlog here:

But, Janice was the final woman, my Patreon investors decided the order during development.  So, she is not in until the final release- which is the next one!  Then, SB:C will be all done!  Thank you again for your purchase and definitely reach out to me in Discord when commissions open up!

Thank you!  I am excited as well!  Then I can solely focus on Giggle Night (the game Trixie Goodwin is from).  Definitely looking forward to completing SB:C!

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It usually goes free once the next release is finished so right now I'd expect this Amelia release here to go free maybe September or October once the Janice (final release) is finished.

Just rendered images, I don't personally like animated 3d renders myself, they come off as a bit too much uncanny valley for my tastes.

Ok, well, it took another hour and I figured out having spaces is a no-no, but finally, Butler says that it is butling.  So at least I can upload.  Hopefully an easier user interface becomes developed someday for us non-programmy types lol

(1 edit)

Yeah, this Butler thing is insanely complicated for no reason.  There has to be a visual way to do this than MS-DOS or whatever this is.  But, I keep getting the "'butler' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." Message.  Now, I did all the crazy weird stuff we have to do like going to System Variables and adding the "C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\itch\apps\butler", but to no avail.  I alreayd have a notepad thing open with the Greek or pig latin-


butler push "B:\Pictures\Online\zEverything Else\Steam\Itch IO\Butler\Windows\ the-anax\slugs-and-bugs-conversion:Win

So, I tried to follow the convoluted thing that again is far over my artistic mind and comprehension.  But, wanted you to know that I did try it again.  As you can see it's been an hour of more screwing around, but my Butler does not work lol

I figured with the weekend would hold it back longer.  If they deny me, it's odd, they'd miss out on revenue.  But yeah I double clicked that butler thing but nothing happens.  I have no idea what a command line is.