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The Anonymous Man

A member registered Feb 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was amazingly fun. Heck, I can see myself get lost in this game. There was a steep learning curve, and I love how you interpreted the theme. I would love to play this on mobile

Thanks for playing. Yes, it was the first thing we noted and other players noted this as well. We'll fix that next.

This is something else. Amazingly done. Good work. I love games with twists, and this definitely counts. I think if the game let be a little more comfortable with the calm and cool puzzle game it was, the impact (or shock) would have been amazing. Very well done for a jam.

Thanks a lot. Yes, we wanted to make the RNG a bit better, since the current one can cause the same bug again and again. We also thought about the losing right control mid jump, and agreed that it was a little cheap. The goal was if it happens, the player has to return to the earlier platform, but perhaps it should have been something for the later stages, more than the earlier one.

Thanks a lot!

We wanted to make it so that the same bug won't appear twice consecutively (which would cause the bugs to appear equally fast, but one wouldn't have to stop for as long) but didn't get time to fix the RNG

Thanks. Yeah, we thought about making a background with parallax effect, but then ran out of time, of simply made a stationary background

The concept was so fresh. I loved how I had to implement so much self discipline so that I don't do the usual jumping around that I usually do in other platformers

I liked the game a lot. I little tutorial would have saved me some time of flailing about though. Still this is a really nice game. The graphics are really cute

Loved this game so much. Unique and just the right amount of challenging. I think it might just be addictive

It was really fun to play, right up until the controls get scrambled. After that, I felt there was very little time to get familiar with what the new controls are (and get used to them), and that kinda broke the fun for me