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A member registered Jan 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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It's coming along rather nicely. :)
I hope you won't be disappointed!

<3 <3 <3  
I'm plate of pancakes with side of bacon, for sure.

Bless! <3
Excited to share what's coming!!!

It is indeed being worked on! We're working on Chapter 2 right now!! :)

<3 <3 <3 
Thank you for the nice words. :)

Thanks so much! :D
I approach writing in what I call 'quiet storytelling'. At least when telling a story like this. I'm glad to hear that the more calm pacing is something that you're enjoying! <3

Ahhh!! As someone older than the general furry protagonist, I wanted to make sure I was telling stories that featured people closer to my age.

I hope whatever you're going through isn't quite as on par as what Corey is, but it's neat to see how you're resonating with the story. :)

Older protagonists are desperately needed! Thank you for the kind words!!! 

That's really awesome, and thank you for not being intimidated by Corey's age!

I really wanted to write a story following someone who was already well beyond both High School and College!

Hey there!

Chapters 1-3 will be made available to everyone as a demo. We're currently looking at how we want to organize a subscriber model to help support creation of the VN, as well as a way to purchase directly!

He has really good teeth.


Looking forward to sharing it with ya!!

It can happen!

Thank you so much!! Definitely excited to tell their story!

That is correct, and something we should put in the game info above!

L'automne will be a kinetic story! As this is the first long form project outside of H&H and April Showers, I wanted to keep getting my programming feet under me before tackling a branching VN.

That one is currently in the works. :)

<3 <3 <3


Thanks for the kind words! <3


This is the first VN that I am going to be selling. Hearth and Home is, and will always be absolutely free, as will the version of April Showers that I did for May Wolf last year!

At the moment, I'm looking into how I want to run either Patreon or SubscribeStar, but my plan is that the first three chapters will be available as a demo, and then after that I'll have a full version for purchase.

Hope that helps give some better context!!