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The Cubic Cat

A member registered Jul 01, 2019 · View creator page →

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под упразднением локальных шуток подразумевается их упразднение только в английской, или в русской версии тоже?

замечательный комикс

cool fun game

понятия не имею про лор деградача, вообще в первый раз о таком сообществе слышу, но игра замечательная! боссы такие-себе, но основные механики и уровни сделаны прекрасно. надеюсь, третий уровень всё же выйдет. кстати, если кому не лень, можете объяснить про деградач? что это вообще такое, откуда начинать изучать лор, тд тп.

вот видишь, семён, у меня есть фанаты


great game!

this is really fun! reminds me of super monkey ball. i would develop it, but sadly i have no experience in godot.

it gives an error when i try to play it in the browser :/

absolutely amazing name. please upload a built version so i can play it without downloading all the project files :)

for some reason the gun doesnt deal damage 70% of the time


music and level transitions are sick

great  game


рад, что всё вроде нормально. надеюсь, в ближайшем будущем весь этот ужас закончится.

also, linux support. tested on linux mint

the character is a heckin amogus

i have been playing this for three hours

very fun

doesnt work for me

also, i didnt do linux support because id need to install and set up a virtual machine again which is a whole lot of time i would rather spend doing literally anything else. coming soon™

ok, its fixed now. i should probably be able to release the update today or tomorrow

i completely misinterpreted the issue, its not that


i am now working on a level built around this new unit

Thank you!

please add an option to cancel attack

just realized that losing gives you no score penalty, which makes it the most efficient way to get points. gonna fix tomorrow


This is amazing!

This is a rather nice idea for a clicker game, but it's lacking gameplay as it is right now.

"Boss! What are you doin!? We're gonna get blown outa here!" "Just trust me on this one! I- I need to make it do four backflips before it lands"

Fun game! The dice editing system allows for interesting variation in playstyles, and it is very fun to recover after bad rolls with a x10 fire speed increase. The tank controls definitely weren't a great idea, but the game compensates for this with a very forgiving player hitbox, so this issue doesn't ruin the fun or anything.I think a nice addition would be stacking modifiers, since as the game is right now there is little incentive to roll dice after getting something good enough to beat the wave. Negative modifiers would obviously stack as well, so the balance wouldn't be significantly upset. Great game!

what the actual hell am i supposed to do?? i watched the devlog hoping that would help me understand, but it really didnt. how am i supposed to know what the cards do from these horribly ambiguous icons???

Same, the game crashed for me on launch and now when i open it my bitbuddy is dead :(

Yes, that would be very helpful

NUKEHECK community · Created a new topic Visibility

The green enemies arent very visible on the green splashes of blood